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User Profile


The PoolParty user profile includes user details, authorization and more. See our documentation for a detailed account of the individual options.

The user profile includes user details, language settings, authorization and display settings.

All users with access to the PoolParty UI can view and update their own profile. For more information, see Access to User Settings for PoolParty Users.

Users in the PoolPartySuperAdmin role can also view and update profiles of other users. For more information, see How to Edit Existing Users.How to Edit Existing Users

. User
  • Username: user name is unique throughout the system, it cannot be changed once the user is created.

  • Full Name: user's full name.

  • User Email: user's email address.

  • Created: date and time when the user was created.

  • Last Password Change: date and time when the user's password was changed for the last time.

. Authorization
  • Role: the user's role. As a PoolPartySuperAdmin, you can change the user role. For more information, see User Roles in PoolParty.User Roles in PoolParty

  • Groups: the groups that the user is assigned to. For more information, see User Groups in PoolParty.

. Language Settings
  • User Interface Language: the language of the user interface.

  • Autocomplete language: the language that will be used or selected by default in the fields with autocomplete function. If the language set here is not available in the respective project, PoolParty uses the project's default language.

  • Display languages: languages that are checked by default in the Details view of the project's thesaurus. Select the languages that are edited regularly, as the user will not have to check each language checkbox individually. If the languages set here are not available in the respective project, PoolParty uses the default language of the project.

. Display Settings
  • SKOS View: the view set for the SKOS tab in the Details View of a concept. For more information, refer to Concept Details. Possible options: Basic and Advanced.

  • Time Zone: the time zone that is selected by default in the date/time custom scheme attributes the user assigns to concepts.