First, please refer to the documentation here, before you start to customize the Linked Data Frontend:
Change the directory to custom:
cd /opt/poolparty/data/frontendRoot/custom
Copy velocity templates, css style sheets, images, etc. to the custom directory:
cp -r /opt/poolparty/data/frontendRoot/default/* .
Change path values. Since there are numerous path definitions, especially in .vm files, you have to replace paths to respective resources:
This will change 'default' to 'custom' in all files at once.
Execute these commands in the following folder:
grep -rl 'default' . | xargs sed -i "s|default/|custom/|g"
Using this setup you can customize all projects at once.
If you intend to customize one or more projects specifically, you have to follow these steps:
Copy template, style sheet files etc. into the project specific directory and change paths, similar to steps 2 and 3 above, for all projects.
Example: In the 'Austrian Music Graph' project, paths would be 'custom/AustrianMusicGraph'.
Add property to vars.vm
conf.vm: Enter requested property keys to $listedProperties
To give the property a reader friendly label you can enter them for example in lang/en.vm
Copy logo image into /images
Adapt head.vm to match your requirements.
<div id="logo"><a href=""><img border="0" src="#frontendLink('custom/images/wb_logo.png')" alt="$serverName" /></a></div>
Copy logo image into /images
Adapt foot.vm to match your requirements.
Copy tile image into /images
Change image URL in /css/style.css entry under body:background
Edit css/style.css
html {
height: 100%;
overflow-y: scroll;
width: 100%;
background: #ffffff;
body {
background: #ffffff;
font-size: 0.813em;
padding-bottom: 60px;
The default value of the variable serverName
can be customized:
Edit conf.vm
## Common settings
#set($serverName = "My custom PoolParty server name")