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Configure the Sort Order for Concepts in the Hierarchy Tree


Configure the Sort Order for Concepts in the Hierarchy Tree

This section explains how you can sort top concepts and concepts on every level in your project.


By default, PoolParty sorts the tree according to the prefLabel in the default language. To define a different order you can make use of the custom attributes which you had defined in the ontology and it is available in the custom scheme. The sort order can be either alphabetical or numerical depending on the data type of the attribute.

How to Sort Concepts in The Hierarchy Tree

After you configured the display text in the Hierarchy Tree, you can configure the sort order.

To customize the sort order, follow these steps:

  1. In your opened PoolParty project, right-click on the project and select Sorting.

  2. The Sorting dialogue opens. Choose the prefLabel SKOS property or a custom attribute. For this example, we have a couple of custom attributes setup. They are Product Code and Internal Name. Decide on the sorting direction. Click Apply Sorting.
