Web Service Method: Delete an Agent
Web Service Method: Delete an Agent
Description |
This method unschedules and deletes an existing agent based on the provided agent identifier. |
Note the difference between this API and the Web Service Method: Update Agent Configuration
URL: /GraphSearch/api/agents/delete
When there is no content type and the post body is empty, the request deletes an agent.
When the content type is JSON and the post body contains all mandatory agent configurations, the request updates an agent.
Path Variables
Variable | Description |
searchSpaceId | Identifier of the Search Space |
id | Agent ID |
The return to this request will display these errors in the following specific cases:
If the Search Space ID is wrong, you will receive a 404 'Bad Request' message, with specific information in a JSON message as to the value that was not found.
If the credentials were mistyped or wrong: a 403 'Forbidden', and a JSON message 'Access denied' will be returned.
If you didn't specify a Search Space ID: the return will be made for the default Search Space.
If the default Search Space is private and you are not authenticated, you will also receive a 403 'Forbidden' in a JSON message.
The response body is empty if the request is successful. Otherwise an error message is returned with the "message" attribute in a JSON response.