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Extracted Concepts - Use the Similar Terms List


Extracted Concepts - Use the Similar Terms List

This section contains a short guide on how to use the Similar Terms list for extracted concepts.

After you have executed a corpus analysis, and opened the Extracted Concepts list in its tab, you can access the Similar Terms list.

The terms in this list are the results of the corpus analysis and can help you to further refine your thesaurus with terms as synonyms or concepts you can select and add to it from here. The analysis will calculate the terms based on PoolParty's similarity algorithms and display them here, including their similarity scores. A higher score means the similarity is higher compared to your thesaurus' concepts.

How to Use the Similar Terms List
  1. Use the Show Matching Terms icon in the Extracted Concepts list behind the concept's name.

  2. The Similar Terms list will open.

  3. You can sort the list by Terms in alphabetical order or by Similarity Score. The higher the score the closer the term is to the selected concept in meaning. In the list you can select the terms of your choice by checking the check box behind one, several or all of them.

  4. Beside Add Selected Terms as choose from the drop down to add them as one of these entities: Alternative Label, Hidden Label or Narrower Concept.

  5. Click Add, to add them to the previously selected concept.

  6. When you are done, click Close.