Resource Data Model
Resource Data Model
For the resource page the following data model is in place:
Key | Type | Description |
projectId | String | The project ID as specified on project creation, appended to the base URL this forms the project URI |
repositoryId | String | The internal repository ID belonging to the project |
resource | String | The URI of the resource as String. |
view | String | The requested view on the resource. (e.g. html) |
projectName | String | Internal project name as displayed in the PoolParty backend. |
project | ResourceBean | A resource bean holding all project information as VoiD RDF. |
prefLabel | String | Preferred label of the resource in projects default language. |
data | Map | A nested map structure holding all triples with the resource URI as subject. |
labels | Map | A map of type <String, String>, holding all localized labels for properties. The key is the property URI from the "data" structure. |
associatedLabels | Map | A map of type <Resource, List<Literal>>, holding all preferred labels of associated concepts. The key is the URI of the associated concept. |
namespaces | List | A list of org.openrdf.model.Namespace objects that are configured for this PoolParty installation. The namespaces are loaded from the namespaces.ttl file in the resourceRoot. |
frontend | FrontendSetup | A bean of type at.punkt.PoolParty.Configuration.frontend.FrontendSetup holding the frontend configuration (access level, tabs, etc.) of this installation. |
request | HttpServletRequest | The HttpServletRequest object of the current request. |
This is the code of the content of the default resource page (resource/html.vm).
<div class="yui-content"> <div id="tab0"> <div class="onecol" about="$resource"> <h2><a class="hiddenLink" href="$resource"></a></h2> <ul> #foreach ( $entry in $data.default.entrySet() ) <li class="propertyname"> <h4><a class="hiddenLink" href="$entry.key" target="_blank">$labels.getString($entry.key)</a></h4> <hr/> <ul> #foreach ( $value in $entry.value ) <li class="propertyvalue">$tools.rdfa.print($value, $entry.key, $namespaces)</li> #end </ul> </li> #end </ul> <span style="display:none;" about="subj"></span> </div> #foreach ($graph in $data.entrySet() ) <br/> #if ( $graph.key != 'default' ) <div class="onecol" about="$resource"> <h2>$graph.key</h2> #foreach ( $entry in $data.get($graph.key).entrySet() ) <li class="propertyname"> <h4><a class="hiddenLink" href="$entry.key" target="_blank">$labels.get($entry.key)</a></h4> <hr/> <ul> #foreach ( $value in $entry.value ) <li class="propertyvalue">$tools.rdfa.print($value,$entry.key,$namespaces)</li> #if ( $entry.key == '' ) <img alt="thumbnail" src="$value"/> #end #end </ul> </li> #end </div> #end #end </div> </div> </div>