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Export RDF Project Data


Export RDF Project Data

To export the PoolParty RDF project data as a .zip file:

  1. Click the Project menu in the toolbar.

  2. Select Export.

  3. Select RDF Project Export or right click the project node and use the context menu.

  4. Select the Export Options. The Export Options are:

    • Template

    • Action: select the Download, Store on Server option where to Save Export File on Server, or Export to a remote graph database depending on your configuration of the graph database in the Semantic Middleware Configurator - Overview. See also Export to External Graph Database.

    • Format: select one of the following formats: Trig, N3, N-Quads, Trix, Binary-RDF, Turtle, RDF/XML, Turtle, N-Triples, RDF/JSON, Trig, JSON-LD.

    • Thesaurus Data: see the various options below.

    • Exclude Concept Data

    • Custom Data:

    • Pretty Print: check this option if you would like the RDF data to be human-readable.

  5. Click Export. After you have selected the data to be exported, a file with the name 'pp_project_<node name>' will be created and offered for download and the respective extension of the format you selected. Per default, the file name is 'pp_project_<node name>' but you can change the file name later.

Thesaurus Data Options

The following Thesaurus Data options are available:

  • Concepts (selected by default)

    All concept schemes and concepts in the project.

  • Workflows

    Information on status of concepts, if workflows are enabled for the project.

  • Suggested Concepts

    All suggested concepts in your project will be included in the export.

  • SPARQL Lists

    All SPARQL lists defined for the project.

  • VoID

    The Project Data Stored as VoID Graph of the project will be exported too.

  • ADMS

    The ADMS graph of your project.

  • Deprecated Concepts

    All deprecated concepts in the project will be exported.

  • Linked Data

    Data links will also be exported, if this option is active.

  • DBpedia Categories

    Categories derived from DBPedia will be exported as well.

  • SKOS Notes

    Exports also SKOS Notes you may have used for concepts in your project.

  • UsersThis refers to project specific user data.

  • Blacklisted Terms

    Terms you have blacklisted, will be included in the export.

  • Configuration

  • Classifier

    Data related to the classifier.

Include custom data Options

You can Include Custom Data options.


Deleted and merged concepts are not included in the export.


Related Linked Data, notes added to concepts and subproperty definitions for the project are only exported if you use the export format Trix or TriG.

Refer to this page to learn more about exporting project data programmatically: Web Service Method: Export and Download Project Data.

Export to External Graph Database


Export to an External Graph Database


The option of exporting to an external graph database is available only if you have configured a connection to an external graph database in the Semantic Middleware Configurator.

An external graph database is a large scale enterprise graph database (triple store) such as GraphDB, MarkLogic, RDFox or Neptune holding the enterprise knowledge/linked data graph. For a full list of supported graph databases, refer to PoolParty External Graph Database Support.

When an external graph database option is configured, you have the possibility to export your project data directly to that graph database. On the RDF Project Export dialog, in the Action dropdown an additional option is available: Export to Graph Database.

Below, you can see the default dialog settings.


The project data is stored in the external graph database in a named graph, based on the project URL e.g.

Save Export File on Server


Save Export File on Server

If you choose the Store on Server option during project export, the exported file is stored in the PoolParty server data directory. You can then provide it for download or to include it dynamically into your Linked Data Frontend.


Select the Store on Server option and then click Export. A message will be displayed, stating that the project has been successfully exported and providing a download link for the file.


The file pattern for the download link as follows:


Find more information on how to make files available and including them in the Linked Data Frontend in the Administrator Guide.


You can trigger the export to server also programmatically: Web Service Method: Store Project Data on Server