This section contains a guide on the user roles that exist in UnifiedViews and the associated permissions.
To use UnifiedViews you need an account in the system. An account must have at least one role that grants certain privileges to a user. UnifiedViews is ready to support multiple roles for a single user.
Currently we use two roles, discussed in more detail below:
With the role User, you have full rights to manipulate pipelines and scheduling rules. There are restrictions when working with shared pipelines of other users. These restrictions are given by the pipeline Visibility modifier.
Once a pipeline is publicly visible a user can see the pipeline, its executions, display the pipeline detail and DPU settings, as well as copy the pipeline. If the pipeline is in read/write public mode (see Visibility option here: Edit a UnifiedViews Pipeline) the user can also edit the pipeline.
You do not see scheduling rules of other users.
You cannot delete pipelines created by other user.
You cannot delete data from staging database.
You cannot manage users or change assigned roles.
By default, you cannot import DPUs. Importing DPUs can be additionally enabled by changing the permissions in the RDF database.
There exist no restrictions for the Administrator role.
The following privileges are granted with the role Administrator:
You can see all pipelines, executions and scheduling rules and manage them.
You can also manage users and their roles in UnifiedViews.
Additionally you can delete data in the staging database.