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Extractor - Quick Start Guide


Extractor Quick Start Guide

This quick guide gives you a brief description of the PoolParty Extractor and its functionalities within the highly scalable PoolParty solution and its ability to transform structured and unstructured information into RDF reveals new opportunities for data analytics. If you are new to the Extractor read this quick start guide to familiarize yourself with its main features.

The PoolParty Extractor provides a highly performant, secure and clusterable semantic extraction service (in the cloud or on-premise) able to automatically extract the most relevant concepts, terms, and named entities from a given document or text section. The PoolParty Extractor automatically and accurately analyses documents and texts and then extracts meaningful phrases, named entities, categories or other metadata. Different data or metadata schemes can be mapped to a SKOS thesaurus used as a unified semantic knowledge model. During this process the extracted entities are linked to the knowledge model (the thesaurus) by URIs ensuring direct integration in line with the Semantic Web principles.

The first thing you will need in a PoolParty project is a thesaurus, since the Extractor is in principle an API providing text mining functionalities relating to a thesaurus. We will provide a sample project for download and walk you through a sample project creation as well as finally some very simple and basic calls using this sample project.