UnifiedViews Method - Request All Pipeline Schedule Events
UnifiedViews Method - Request All Pipeline Schedule Events
Description |
Get all scheduled events for the given pipeline ID. |
URL: http://{host:port}/master/api/1/pipelines/{pipeline_id}/schedules/
Supported Method |
Status: 200 - OK
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
id | number | true | ID of the requested pipeline. |
description | string | false | A description of the pipeline schedule details. |
enabled | string | true | Shows if scheduler is enabled or not. Possible return values: |
scheduleType | string | false | According to the available schedule types, displays the respective one defined for the current schedule. Format: <yyyy-mm-dd>T<hh:mm:ss:ms>Z Available types:
firstExecution | string | true | Returns the date and time set for the respective pipeline execution schedule's first run. Format: <yyyy-mm-dd>T<hh:mm:ss.ms>Z |
lastExecution | string | false | Returns the date and time set for the last time the respective pipeline schedule was triggered. If not set, return value will be: 'null' Format: <yyyy-mm-dd>T<hh:mm:ss.ms>Z |
nextExecution | string | false | Returns the date and time set for the respective pipeline execution schedule's next run. If not set, return value will be: 'null' Format: <yyyy-mm-dd>T<hh:mm:ss.ms>Z |
afterPipelines | number | false | Returns the IDs or names of pipelines that are scheduled to finish running before the execution of the current one. |
justOnce | string | false | Returns if the current pipeline schedule should be executed just once. Possible values: true/false |
period | number | false | Duration of the execution. 'null' for none. |
periodUnit | string | false | Allowed values: MINUTE | HOUR | DAY | WEEK | MONTH | YEAR or null |
[ { id: 1, description: "Runs it daily", enabled: true, scheduleType: "PERIODICALLY", firstExecution: "2014-08-08T15:15:15.555Z", lastExecution: "2014-08-08T15:15:15.555Z", nextExecution: "2014-08-08T15:15:15.555Z", afterPipelines: null, justOnce: false, period: 1, periodUnit: "DAY" }, { id: 2, description: "Runs the pipeline weekly", enabled: true, scheduleType: "PERIODICALLY", firstExecution: "2014-08-08T15:15:15.555Z", lastExecution: "2014-08-08T15:15:15.555Z", nextExecution: "2014-08-08T15:15:15.555Z", afterPipelines: null, justOnce: false, period: 1, periodUnit: "WEEK" }, { id: 3, description: "Runs it just once", enabled: false, scheduleType: "PERIODICALLY", firstExecution: "2014-08-08T15:15:15.555Z", lastExecution: "2014-08-08T15:15:15.555Z", nextExecution: null, afterPipelines: null, justOnce: true, period: null, periodUnit: null, }, { id: 4, description: "Runs after other pipelines", enabled: true, scheduleType: "AFTER_PIPELINE", firstExecution: null, lastExecution: "2014-08-08T15:15:15.555Z", nextExecution: null, afterPipelines: [15, 54], justOnce: null, period: null, periodUnit: null, }, { id: 5, description: "Runs every 6 minutes", enabled: true, scheduleType: "PERIODICALLY", firstExecution: "2014-08-08T15:15:15.555Z", lastExecution: "2014-08-08T15:15:15.555Z", nextExecution: "2014-08-08T15:15:15.555Z", afterPipelines: null, justOnce: false, period: 6, periodUnit: "MINUTE", }, { id: 6, description: "Runs it just once, had not run till now", enabled: false, scheduleType: "PERIODICALLY", firstExecution: "2014-08-08T15:15:15.555Z", lastExecution: null, nextExecution: "2014-08-08T15:15:15.555Z", afterPipelines: null, justOnce: true, period: null, periodUnit: null, }, ]
Returns list of all pipeline schedule entries.
firstExecution is the time when the pipeline will run first time based on this schedule
lastExecution is the time when the schedule was triggered last time, the pipeline was added to queue of waiting/running pipelines, it is not the time when the pipeline exec started, nor finished.
For Schedule there are consistency criteria:
Schedule is PERIODICALLY type
justOnce = true
enabled = true (the pipeline will run in future)
firstExecution = time when the pipeline will run in future
lastExecution = null (had not run yet)
nextExecution = null (had run already), or date - same as firstExecution (hadn't run)
enabled = false (the schedule was either not enabled or the pipeline has been executed already)
firtstExecution = time, when the pipeline was intended to start.
nextExecution = null
lastExecution = null (had not run yet), user had to disable schedule before it could start for the first time
lastExecution = some date (had run), backend disabled the schedule to prevent running it again (to satisfy just once requirement)
afterPipelines = null
period = null
periodUnit = null
justOnce = false
enabled = true | false (if schedule is not enabled, it is ignored by UV, pipeline execution is not triggered by this schedule)
firstExecution = time, which user specified when the pipeline execution should happen by this schedule for the first time
lastExecution = time, when the pipeline execution was triggered by this schedule (not by user, or other schedule)
nextExecution = time, next execution should happen
afterPipelines = undefined (null, empty array, ignore it)
period = int - each period times
periodUnit = MINUTE | HOUR | DAY | WEEK | MONTH | YEAR
Schedule is AFTER_PIPELINE type
justOnce = null
enabled = true | false (if schedule is not enabled, it is ignored by UV, pipeline execution is not triggered by this schedule)
firstExecution = null
lastExecution = null (pipeline had not run yet) or date of last execution which was triggered by this schedule
nextExecution = null
afterPipelines = array of other pipelines IDs , pipeline is run immediately after any of the pipelines in the array
period = null
periodUnit = null