As part of the long-term support (LTS) release type, you get guaranteed, long-term support, up to three years, of that version. This release type is suitable when you integrate PoolParty and have long support cycles.
It is only available for the PoolParty Enterprise Server for OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Integrations only.
With the long-term support (LTS) release type you receive:
Maintenance for three years.
Patch releases with bug fixes and security updates.
Patch release with updates for patch versions of integrated 3rd party libraries and frameworks.
Patch updates for 3rd party libraries and frameworks, but we do not provide updates to new major or minor versions of 3rd party libraries and frameworks.
Within two years but at least 6 months before the end of the LTS support cycle, SWC provides the following LTS version as a release version.
Upgrade path from a current LTS version to the next LTS version.
Installer for LTS patch versions with minimal downtime and interference for operations (best effort).