- PoolParty Semantic Suite Documentation
- Developer Guide
- Semantic Integrator APIs
- Inference Tagging API Calls
- Inference Tagging API Calls Overview
- Overview of Expand Schemata for Inference Tagging API Calls
Overview of Expand Schemata for Inference Tagging API Calls
This page lists the details of expansion API calls used for the PoolParty Inference Tagging feature. Details and examples are collapsed at first, to view them click on the respective heading.
Request URL:/PoolParty/api/tagging/{project}/expand
Request Methods:POST
Variable | Description |
| The project UUID or textual identifier |
This is an expand request model.
Attribute | Type | Required | Comment |
| Array of ScoredConcepts | false | |
| String | false | |
| String | false | |
| Integer | false | |
| Array of Strings | false | |
| Boolean | false |
{ "expansionQuery" : "some expansionQuery", "scaleConceptScores" : true, "concepts" : [ { "score" : 48.92 , "uri" : "https://semantic-web.com/api/uri#19344" }, { "score" : 38.9 , "uri" : "https://semantic-web.com/api/uri#1430" } ], "maxNumberOfConcepts" : 8979, "language" : "fr", "properties" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/properties#25214", "https://semantic-web.com/api/properties#19569", "https://semantic-web.com/api/properties#2213" ] }
This is a ScoredConcept model.
Attribute | Required | Type | Comment |
| BigDecimal | false | |
| String | false |
{ "score" : 48.92 , "uri" : "https://semantic-web.com/api/uri#19236" }
This is an expand response model.
Attribute | Type | Required | Comment |
| Array of expandedConcepts | false | |
| String | false |
{ "expandedConcepts" : [ { "score" : 48.92 , "jsonConcept" : { "exactMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/exactMatch#12537", "https://semantic-web.com/api/exactMatch#5463" ], "scopeNotes" : [ "some scopeNotes", "some scopeNotes" ], "skosxlPrefLabels" : [ "some skosxlPrefLabels", "some skosxlPrefLabels" ], "notations" : [ "some notations", "some notations", "some notations" ], "workflowStatus" : null, "prefLabel" : "some prefLabel", "skosxlHiddenLabels" : [ "some skosxlHiddenLabels" ], "broaderMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaderMatch#26694" ], "broaders" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaders#26866", "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaders#4587" ], "conceptSchemes" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/conceptSchemes#3173", "https://semantic-web.com/api/conceptSchemes#32760" ], "uri" : "https://semantic-web.com/api/uri#31038", "skosxlAltLabels" : [ "some skosxlAltLabels", "some skosxlAltLabels" ], "closeMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/closeMatch#19683", "https://semantic-web.com/api/closeMatch#15385", "https://semantic-web.com/api/closeMatch#25723" ], "examples" : [ "some examples" ], "hiddenLabels" : [ "some hiddenLabels", "some hiddenLabels", "some hiddenLabels" ], "narrowerMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowerMatch#7258", "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowerMatch#22633" ], "narrowers" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowers#28468", "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowers#28369" ], "relatedMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/relatedMatch#28091", "https://semantic-web.com/api/relatedMatch#23740" ], "inSchemes" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/inSchemes#12002" ], "relateds" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/relateds#26697", "https://semantic-web.com/api/relateds#11620", "https://semantic-web.com/api/relateds#12701" ], "topConceptOf" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/topConceptOf#20449" ], "altLabels" : [ "some altLabels", "some altLabels", "some altLabels" ], "definitions" : [ "some definitions", "some definitions" ], "properties" : { } } }, { "score" : 48.92, "jsonConcept" : { "exactMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/exactMatch#28871" ], "scopeNotes" : [ "some scopeNotes", "some scopeNotes" ], "skosxlPrefLabels" : [ "some skosxlPrefLabels", "some skosxlPrefLabels", "some skosxlPrefLabels" ], "notations" : [ "some notations", "some notations" ], "workflowStatus" : null, "prefLabel" : "some prefLabel", "skosxlHiddenLabels" : [ "some skosxlHiddenLabels", "some skosxlHiddenLabels" ], "broaderMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaderMatch#1486", "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaderMatch#25471" ], "broaders" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaders#21105" ], "conceptSchemes" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/conceptSchemes#4698" ], "uri" : "https://semantic-web.com/api/uri#25482", "skosxlAltLabels" : [ "some skosxlAltLabels", "some skosxlAltLabels", "some skosxlAltLabels" ], "closeMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/closeMatch#17902", "https://semantic-web.com/api/closeMatch#9821" ], "examples" : [ "some examples" ], "hiddenLabels" : [ "some hiddenLabels" ], "narrowerMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowerMatch#27188" ], "narrowers" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowers#17939", "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowers#16965" ], "relatedMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/relatedMatch#11341" ], "inSchemes" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/inSchemes#24723" ], "relateds" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/relateds#27490", "https://semantic-web.com/api/relateds#3643", "https://semantic-web.com/api/relateds#6598" ], "topConceptOf" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/topConceptOf#27642", "https://semantic-web.com/api/topConceptOf#18702", "https://semantic-web.com/api/topConceptOf#8334" ], "altLabels" : [ "some altLabels", "some altLabels", "some altLabels" ], "definitions" : [ "some definitions", "some definitions" ], "properties" : { } } }, { "score" : 48.95, "jsonConcept" : { "exactMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/exactMatch#31443", "https://semantic-web.com/api/exactMatch#12774" ], "scopeNotes" : [ "some scopeNotes", "some scopeNotes" ], "skosxlPrefLabels" : [ "some skosxlPrefLabels" ], "notations" : [ "some notations", "some notations" ], "workflowStatus" : null, "prefLabel" : "some prefLabel", "skosxlHiddenLabels" : [ "some skosxlHiddenLabels", "some skosxlHiddenLabels" ], "broaderMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaderMatch#24512" ], "broaders" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaders#27735", "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaders#18006" ], "conceptSchemes" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/conceptSchemes#25564", "https://semantic-web.com/api/conceptSchemes#25803" ], "uri" : "https://semantic-web.com/api/uri#26800", "skosxlAltLabels" : [ "some skosxlAltLabels", "some skosxlAltLabels" ], "closeMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/closeMatch#14256", "https://semantic-web.com/api/closeMatch#28768" ], "examples" : [ "some examples", "some examples", "some examples" ], "hiddenLabels" : [ "some hiddenLabels", "some hiddenLabels" ], "narrowerMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowerMatch#15219" ], "narrowers" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowers#27641", "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowers#3672" ], "relatedMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/relatedMatch#15159", "https://semantic-web.com/api/relatedMatch#6069" ], "inSchemes" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/inSchemes#10560", "https://semantic-web.com/api/inSchemes#26625" ], "relateds" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/relateds#28545", "https://semantic-web.com/api/relateds#24186" ], "topConceptOf" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/topConceptOf#10108" ], "altLabels" : [ "some altLabels" ], "definitions" : [ "some definitions" ], "properties" : { } } } ], "message" : "some message" }
This is an expanded concept model.
Attribute | Type | Required | Comment |
| JsonConcept | false | |
| BigDecimal | false |
{ "score" : 48.92, "jsonConcept" : { "exactMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/exactMatch#3939" ], "scopeNotes" : [ "some scopeNotes" ], "skosxlPrefLabels" : [ "some skosxlPrefLabels", "some skosxlPrefLabels" ], "notations" : [ "some notations", "some notations", "some notations" ], "workflowStatus" : { "note" : "some note", "lastChange" : "Fri Aug 23 16:23:12 CEST 2024", "state" : "APPROVED", "currentAssignee" : { "uri" : "https://semantic-web.com/api/currentAssignee#10002" } }, "prefLabel" : "some prefLabel", "skosxlHiddenLabels" : [ "some skosxlHiddenLabels", "some skosxlHiddenLabels", "some skosxlHiddenLabels" ], "broaderMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaderMatch#10659", "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaderMatch#24637" ], "broaders" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaders#28541", "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaders#32656", "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaders#19528" ], "conceptSchemes" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/conceptSchemes#28590", "https://semantic-web.com/api/conceptSchemes#23181" ], "uri" : "https://semantic-web.com/api/uri#14491", "skosxlAltLabels" : [ "some skosxlAltLabels", "some skosxlAltLabels", "some skosxlAltLabels" ], "closeMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/closeMatch#9607", "https://semantic-web.com/api/closeMatch#23773", "https://semantic-web.com/api/closeMatch#22038" ], "examples" : [ "some examples", "some examples" ], "hiddenLabels" : [ "some hiddenLabels", "some hiddenLabels" ], "narrowerMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowerMatch#10237", "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowerMatch#14048", "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowerMatch#23969" ], "narrowers" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowers#14851", "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowers#12446" ], "relatedMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/relatedMatch#28109" ], "inSchemes" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/inSchemes#22786", "https://semantic-web.com/api/inSchemes#13868", "https://semantic-web.com/api/inSchemes#8600" ], "relateds" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/relateds#18603", "https://semantic-web.com/api/relateds#28793", "https://semantic-web.com/api/relateds#23487" ], "topConceptOf" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/topConceptOf#1826", "https://semantic-web.com/api/topConceptOf#25331", "https://semantic-web.com/api/topConceptOf#22467" ], "altLabels" : [ "some altLabels", "some altLabels", "some altLabels" ], "definitions" : [ "some definitions", "some definitions", "some definitions" ], "properties" : { } } }
This is a concept within a PoolParty Thesaurus.
Attribute | Type | Required | Comment |
| Array of Strings | false | Alternative labels |
| Array of Strings | false | Broader match concepts |
| Array of Strings | false | Broader concepts |
| Array of Strings | false | Close match concepts |
| Array of Strings | false | Concept schemes |
| Array of Strings | false | Definitions |
| Array of Strings | false | Exact match concepts |
| Array of Strings | false | Examples |
| Array of Strings | false | Hidden labels |
| Array of Strings | false | Lists |
| Array of Strings | false | Narrower match concepts |
| Array of Strings | false | Narrower concepts |
| Array of Strings | false | Notations |
| String | false | Preferred label |
| Map of Strings | false | Custom scheme relations and attributes |
| Array of Strings | false | Related match concepts |
| Array of Strings | false | Related concepts |
| Array of Strings | false | Scope notes |
| Array of Strings | false | SKOS-XL alternative labels |
| Array of Strings | false | SKOS-XL hidden labels |
| Array of Strings | false | SKOS-XL preferred labels |
| Array of Strings | false | Lists |
| String | false | Linked Data URI of the concept |
| WorkflowStatus | false | Workflow status |
{ "exactMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/exactMatch#7793", "https://semantic-web.com/api/exactMatch#7234", "https://semantic-web.com/api/exactMatch#7189" ], "scopeNotes" : [ "some scopeNotes" ], "skosxlPrefLabels" : [ "some skosxlPrefLabels", "some skosxlPrefLabels" ], "notations" : [ "some notations", "some notations" ], "workflowStatus" : { "note" : "some note", "lastChange" : "Fri Aug 23 16:23:12 CEST 2024", "state" : "DRAFT", "currentAssignee" : { "uri" : "https://semantic-web.com/api/currentAssignee#912" } }, "prefLabel" : "some prefLabel", "skosxlHiddenLabels" : [ "some skosxlHiddenLabels", "some skosxlHiddenLabels" ], "broaderMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaderMatch#31882" ], "broaders" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/broaders#11314" ], "conceptSchemes" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/conceptSchemes#21768", "https://semantic-web.com/api/conceptSchemes#1151" ], "uri" : "https://semantic-web.com/api/uri#27551", "skosxlAltLabels" : [ "some skosxlAltLabels", "some skosxlAltLabels", "some skosxlAltLabels" ], "closeMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/closeMatch#26402", "https://semantic-web.com/api/closeMatch#16814", "https://semantic-web.com/api/closeMatch#7566" ], "examples" : [ "some examples" ], "hiddenLabels" : [ "some hiddenLabels", "some hiddenLabels" ], "narrowerMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowerMatch#9070" ], "narrowers" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowers#26537", "https://semantic-web.com/api/narrowers#10182" ], "relatedMatch" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/relatedMatch#1040", "https://semantic-web.com/api/relatedMatch#8754" ], "inSchemes" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/inSchemes#10007" ], "relateds" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/relateds#7120" ], "topConceptOf" : [ "https://semantic-web.com/api/topConceptOf#25782" ], "altLabels" : [ "some altLabels", "some altLabels" ], "definitions" : [ "some definitions", "some definitions", "some definitions" ], "properties" : { } }
The workflow status of a concept.
Attribute | Type | Required | Comment |
| IRI | false | Current assignee |
| String | false | Date of last change |
| String | false | Workflow comment |
| ReviewState | false | Current review state; DRAFT | APPROVED | DRAFTSKOSXL |
{ "note" : "some note", "lastChange" : "Fri Aug 23 16:23:12 CEST 2024", "state" : "DRAFT", "currentAssignee" : { "uri" : "https://semantic-web.com/api/currentAssignee#25512" } }