Release Notes - PoolParty 8.1
Release Notes - PoolParty 8.1
This page contains the release notes for PoolParty Release 8.1 and for minor releases.
We have released PoolParty 8.1 as a Long Term Support (LTS) release. It is only available for the PoolParty Enterprise Server for OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Integrations only. For more information, see PoolParty Release Types.
We have extended the Suggested Concepts Services API with Web Service Method: Update a Suggested Concept, Web Service Method: Delete Suggested Concept and Web Service Method: Delete Suggested Concepts to be able to modify the suggested concepts.
We have added new PoolParty Webhook notifications/Triggers for Concept Merge and Suggested Concept Approval to improve integration notifications. See: Create a Webhook Notification
In the PoolParty GraphEditor - Overview, we have made the autocomplete of a resource more responsive when trying to add it. This is to help the user to find the right resource quicker.
We have improved the drag-and-drop functionality for Collections when you try to Add New Concepts to a Collection from the hierarchy tree. Now, we provide visual feedback to the user when doing this action.
In the History Services API, we have improved the Web Service Method: Request the History of Concepts method. It returns now the custom attributes and relations.
We have upgraded Elasticsearch from version 6.7 to 7.13.1 and Solr from version 7.5.0 to 8.8.2
Bug Fixes
We have fixed the Concept Extraction Service API, HTTP parameter conceptMinimumScore. Now, it is filtering the concepts as expected.
PoolParty was stuck when the user have put too many characters in the URI fields. We fixed this by allowing a higher number of characters in the following fields:
The Identifier in the Advanced URI Settings
The Project Identifier in the New Project, URI Generation Settings
The Base URI in the New Custom Ontology and,
The Base URI in the New Custom Scheme.
We have fixed the PoolParty Data Validator. It now reports the lack of a concept scheme which would have lead to data being unusable in a PoolParty project.
We have fixed the pagination in the Ontology Management Details View page.
In the Corpus Management - Overview, we have fixed the crawling for DBPedia and for RSS Feed.
In the PoolParty GraphEditor - Overview, we have fixed a bug that has prevented the Import Graphs from RDF Format dialog to appear.
In the PoolParty GraphEditor - Overview, we have fixed a bug which caused the screen to go blank after selecting a Class in the GraphEditor - Filter for Values for the Filter.
In the PoolParty GraphEditor - Overview, we have fixed a bug and now you can add white spaces in the Resource Nodes - Label Mapping Tab, Label.
We have fixed the PoolParty project import for the following file formats: VDEX, Trix and MultiThes.
We have fixed the bug which prevented the display of the Project Linking - Tree View.