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Edit a UnifiedViews Pipeline


Edit a UnifiedViews Pipeline

This section contains a short guide on how to

  1. Click PIPELINES in the main menu.

  2. To edit the pipeline click the Edit icon in the corresponding row in the pipelines table.

  3. The pipeline detail will be opened. The dialogue is the same as in Create a UnifiedViews Pipeline.

You can modify the pipeline only in the following cases, regarding permissions:

  • you are the owner of the pipeline,

  • you have the Administrator user role,

  • the pipeline is in public,read/write mode.

Otherwise you can only view the pipeline.


If you have permissions to edit the pipeline, the pipeline detail will be opened in a Develop mode.

Without permissions to modify the pipeline it will open in a Standard mode. Also a notification about read-only mode will be shown.

With permissions to modify the pipeline you can:

  • change name and description of the pipeline,

  • add/delete DPU instances on pipeline canvas,

  • change DPU instance configurations,

  • change the data flow edges.

Several users can edit the same pipeline at the same time. In this case the warning that another user is editing the same pipeline will be shown. In that case, you can create a copy of a pipeline and continue with modification in that copy. Additionally you can continue a pipeline modification in parallel with another user.

Read more information how to work with the pipeline detail here.