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Create New Project Based on RDF Import

After you have exported a project in RDF format from a PoolParty instance, you can create a new project based on RDF import:

  1. In the Create Project dialogue, click Create New Project Based on RDF Import.

  2. The New Project dialogue opens, which will let you define the information and functions in your new project. The Title field is mandatory.

  3. Click Next to continue. Details on the Metadata tab and the dialogue's tabs find here: Create an Empty Project

  4. In the RDF Project or Concept Scheme Import dialogue, click Choose File to open the file in an RDF format (RDF Serialization Formats).

  5. Click Import to import the RDF file into the new project.

  6. Click Save.

The new, imported project will be be opened in the Thesaurus Management and you can start working with it. For more information, refer to Managing Your Thesauri.