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Development Environment Setup


Development Environment Setup

PoolParty plugins are developed in Java and require certain PoolParty dependencies. They are published via a Maven repository managed with Nexus. We discuss here how to configure a development environment and how to get access to the Maven dependencies.

How to configure a development environment

The repository is publicly available at but requires authentication. You need to request an account using the PoolParty Support Desk. The placeholders "username" and "password" are used as credentials.

The following configuration example assumes that Maven is used for Java project building. Configuration for other build tools are similar.


Since PoolParty 8.0 Java 11 is required. Please make sure that you have JDK 11 and the latest Maven installation from if this is the first time. Do not rely on the distribution's packages on the working machine. This is especially true for Ubuntu, whereas Arch, for example, is current. Do not use the Maven release bundled with IntelliJ, as they can be outdated.

When Maven is installed, it creates a ".m2" directory under the home directory of the user to store local repository cache and for various configurations. It is usually located at /home/$username/.m2 for GNU/Linux or C:\Users\$username\.m2 for Windows. Under this directory there could be a file named settings.xml if a custom configuration exists. You need to incorporate the following content in the configuration file or create a new file with the following content if the configuration file does not exist.

<settings xmlns=""

You need to replace the placeholders "username" and "password" with the actual credentials. You only have to configure this once.

How to get access to the Maven dependencies

Each time you create a new Java project that requires these PoolParty dependencies, you need to add the following content to the Maven project configuration file called "pom.xml".

        <name>PoolParty Development</name>

Now when building the project Maven will be able to connect to PoolParty repository and load dependencies.