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Approval Workflow and Draft State for SKOS-XL Labels


Approval Workflow and Draft State for SKOS-XL Labels

Find on this page how to use the approval workflow and draft state available for SKOS-XL labels in PoolParty.

The workflow function in PoolParty also makes it possible to include SKOS-XL labels into the workflow. Additionally you can see a list of all draft SKOS-XL labels.


The whole of the SKOS-XL functions are part of an add-on for PoolParty you have to acquire separately.


SKOS-XL Labels Drafts

The draft SKOS-XL Labels will be visible in several places. In the image below you see what they look like in the Hierarchy Tree (1) and theOverview - Available SKOS-XL Labels (2).


The additional icon with exclamation mark indicates the SKOS-XL labels' state in the examples below.


In the Workflow Dashboard you find additional sections, called My Draft SKOS-XL Labels and All Draft SKOS-XL Labels.

The functions available here are the same as for concepts. Find details on the workflow management and tasks here: Workflow in Action

The image below shows an example list of SKOS-XL labels in status Draft (2), section All Draft SKOS-XL Labels (1):
