Upgrade PP 5.7.0 - 5.7.3 (Linux)
Upgrade PP 5.7.0 - 5.7.3 (Linux)
If patches or minor releases are delivered in between PoolParty Releases to provide bug-fixes in most cases you will be provided with new webapps to replace your existing one. To deploy new PoolParty webapps, follow the steps described below. Before you upgrade, make sure you have a working backup of your existing installation.
These instructions assume you are deploying PoolParty on a default installation under:
/opt/poolparty (GNU/Linux)
C:/Programs/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 7.0/ (Windows)
Upgrade Process
STEP 1: Undeploy the PoolParty webapp via the tomcat web application manager
STEP 2: Stop the PoolParty server
STEP 3: Copy the new webapps to the webapps folder
/opt/poolparty/tomcat/webapps (GNU/Linux)
C:/Programs/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 7.0/webapps (Windows)
STEP 5: Delete the conceptdata solr core
To delete the core delete the following folder:
STEP 4: Start the PoolParty server
Post-Upgrade Tasks
Recalculate Extraction Models
Changes to the configuration of the PoolParty extraction model have been done. You have to recalculate all extraction models after the upgrade.