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The User Management - Overview


The User Management - Overview

The section provides an introduction to the basic user management functions in PoolParty.

In User Management, you can create new users and edit or delete existing ones. Additionally, you can manage User Rights and Permissions.

You can assign User Roles to individual users. User roles in PoolParty determine the access rights and editing permissions users have.

Afterward, you can assign User Groups to users, which determines their access rights to projects, ontologies and custom schemes that have been assigned the same user groups.

Permissions are granted server-wide. Additionally, you can change the User Roles for a user per project. Their server-wide permissions are overruled in that project.


The User Administration tree is only available in the PoolPartySuperAdmin role.

Open a PoolParty project to be able to see the User Administration of a project.

How to Open the User Management in PoolParty

  1. Open the User Management using the icon in the toolbar.

  2. The node of the current user is active per default. You can find the user information in the User Details tab.


Available User Management Functions

In PoolParty's User Mangement the following topics will guide you through settings and options:


If you would like to learn more about this topic, please watch this PoolParty Academy Tutorial video:

2.13 User Management

When the video is not available, you can sign up to the PoolParty Academy