Recommended Backup Strategy for a PoolParty Server
Recommended Backup Strategy for a PoolParty Server
The backup strategy for a PoolParty Server may be set up on different levels.
You should have a look at PoolParty directory structure and the automatic snapshots generation before you choose your strategy.
These examples assume a default PoolParty installation following the Installation Guide.
You have to stop your PoolParty server for a backup of the data folder or a full backup.
Backup PoolParty's snapshot folder in regular intervals.
Backup PoolParty's data directory (/opt/poolparty/data) regularly.
The data directory also includes the snapshot folder.
It is advisable to include the PoolParty config folder (/opt/poolparty/config) into your regular backups.
Backup the whole PoolParty directory (/opt/poolparty) before you upgrade to another version.
The PoolParty directory includes the data directory.
Backup PoolParty's snapshot folder in regular intervals.
Backup PoolParty's data directory (C:\Users\Public\PoolParty\data) regularly.
The data directory also includes the snapshot folder.
It is advisable to include the PoolParty config folder (C:\Users\Public\PoolParty\config) into your regular backups.
Backup the PoolParty's data & config (C:\Users\Public\PoolParty\)and the Tomcat directory (C:/Programs/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat) before you upgrade to another version.