Upgrade PoolParty 5.5+5.6 to 5.7 (Windows)
Upgrade PoolParty 5.5+5.6 to 5.7 (Windows)
To upgrade your PoolParty installation from version 5.5 or 5.6 to 5.7, follow the steps described below.
Note that with release 5.3 a 64bit build of the Sun/Oracle Java 7 or Java 8 Runtime Environment is required for running a PoolParty server.
These instructions assume you are deploy on a PoolParty default installation under:
Application: C:/Programs/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 7.0/
Data: C:\Users\Public\PoolParty\ or C:\Users\poolparty\PoolParty\ .
Upgrade Procedure
Undeploy all webapps that are provided in the upgrade package via the Tomcat Web Application Manager.
Stop the solr and the PoolParty server.
Copy all new webapps provided to the webapps folder:
C:/Programs/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 7.0/webapps
Add the the following parameter to the poolparty.properties file:
datetimewithzone.format.pattern=dd.MM.yyyy - HH:mm 'UTC'z
The file can be found in the following folder:
C:\Users\Public\PoolParty\config or
Delete the conceptdata solr core:
To delete the core delete the following folder:
Add the attached file to the js folder of the PoolParty Linked Data Frontend.
The file has to be added to the following folder:
C:\Users\Public\PoolParty\data\frontendRoot\default\js or
Start the solr and the PoolParty server.
Post Upgrade Tasks
After you login into PoolParty for the first time after the upgrade, you have to run the PoolParty migration script:
The script lists all updates that will be done. The migration is triggered clicking Start Migration. A progress bar and an info box show the progress and status of the migration. When the process has been finished an overview of the migration steps per project is provided.
Changes to to the configuration of the PoolParty extraction model have been done. You have to recalculate all extraction models after the upgrade.
You need to have the Superadministrator role assigned to be able to run those scripts.