Create the Concept Schemes for Your Project
Create the Concept Schemes for Your Project
You can have only one thesaurus in a PoolParty project but you can have several concept schemes.
You can create relations between concepts in different concept schemes and you may also use the same concepts in different concept schemes.
For our project we will need two concept schemes - one for "Beverages" and one for "Recipes". The first one we have already created via import in the Use Existing Thesauri page, so let's create our "Recipes" concept scheme:

Right click the project node to open the context menu.
Select Create Concept Scheme to open the New Concept Scheme dialogue. In the dialogue all fields are prefilled with the values we defined for the project earlier.
Change the title to "Recipes". All other values are optional.
Click Create Concept Scheme to finish the process.
So now we have got our two concept schemes. To get some more structure we will Create Top Concepts for Your Project to our places thesaurus.
If you would like to learn more about this topic, please watch this PoolParty Academy Tutorial video:
2.3 Building a Taxonomy With PoolParty
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