Concept Details Services
Concept Details Services
The services in this section are dedicated to special concept extraction possibilities:
You can request detailed information about a concept from the extraction model or
receive concept suggestions, where labels of the concept match the search string.
Find details in the following topics:
Concept Suggestion Request Service
Concept Suggestion Request Service
Description |
This method allows you to send a string to the service and receive concept suggestions where labels of the concept match the search string. |
URL: /extractor/api/suggest
Supported Methods |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conceptSchemeFilters | Array of String | false | Concept scheme URI filters. |
customAttributes | Array of CustomProperty | false | Filter: List of custom attributes (their URIs and values) to be used as filter for the search request. |
customClasses | Array of String | false | Filter: List of custom classes (their URIs) to be used as filter for the search request. |
customRelations | Array of CustomProperty | false | Filter: List of custom relations (property URI and object URI) to be used as filter for the search request. |
filterOperator | String | false | The operator type (and|or) to connect the different custom class/attribute/property filters (default = or) |
language | String | true | Language of the results (en|de|es|fr|...) |
numberOfConcepts | int | false | Number of results (default = 10) |
offset | int | false | Row offset |
projectId | String | true | Thesaurus projectId |
properties | Array of String | false | Array of custom class attributes and relations that will be fetched by providing their property URIs as input. Set to |
searchParameters | Array of SearchParameter | false | Advanced search parameters allowing to specify the label type, boost factor, and matching strategy. Is used together with searchString. |
searchString | String | false | Text fragment to search concepts for. If searchString and searchParameters are not set, all concepts are returned which can be combined with filters. |
showMatchingDetails | boolean | false | Shows matching details for searchParameters, default = false |
useBlacklisted | boolean | false | Include blacklisted concepts (default = false) |
useCompoundWord | boolean | false | Only include concepts where the searchString is a compound word (default = false) |
useSkosBoost | boolean | false | Use custom scoring for ordering the results. |
Attribute | Type | Comment |
property | String | Property |
value | String | Value |
Attribute | Type | Comment |
boost | Float | Solr boost factor. (Optional - if boost factor is set, consider to set useCustomScoring to false to disable internal custom sorting) |
customLabel | String | In case labelType CUSTOM_LABEL is used. (Optional) |
labelType | LabelType | Type of the label. Use PREF_LABEL, ALT_LABEL, HIDDEN_LABEL, or ALL (Default: ALL) - use CUSTOM_LABEL for custom properties which requires the parameter customLabel to be set. prefLabel | altLabel | hiddenLabel | customLabel | label |
matchingStrategy | MatchingStrategy | Matching Strategy for indexed fields. Use DEFAULT, REGEX, REGEX_I, SENSITIVE, or EXACT. (Default: DEFAULT) DEFAULT | REGEX | REGEX_I | SENSITIVE | EXACT Use REGEX_I for case insensitive matching. |
searchString | String | Search string. (Mandatory) |
Attribute | Type | Comment |
suggestedConcepts | Array of SuggestedConcepts | Message |
success | boolean | Success |
message | String | Reports the exection time of the query |
total | long | The number of results returned |
Click here to expand...
Attribute | Type | Comment |
altLabels | Array of String | Alternative labels |
broaderConcepts | Array of String | URIs of all direct broader concepts. |
conceptSchemes | Array of ThesaurusConceptScheme | The concept schemes this concept resides in. |
corporaScore | double | Relevance score - e.g. when extracted from a text. |
customAttributes | Array of CustomAttribute | Custom attributes |
customRelations | Array of CustomRelation | Custom relations |
customSchemeTypes | Array of CustomSchemeType | URIs of the custom types assigned to the concept. |
frequencyInDocument | int | Frequency of the concept in the text. |
frequencyInDocuments | int | Frequency of the concept in the text. |
hiddenLabels | Array of String | Hidden labels |
highlights | Array of Highlight | The matching text returned by the index. |
id | String | Concept ID |
language | String | Language of the prefLabel, altLabels and hiddenLabels of this localized view of the concept. |
matchingLabel | String | The concept label that has matched the search label. |
matchingLabels | Array of MatchingLabel | Matching labels |
prefLabel | String | Preferred label |
project | String | UUID of the containing PoolParty project. |
relatedConcepts | Array of String | URIs of all related concepts |
score | double | Normalized relevance score - e.g. when extracted from a text |
shadowConceptTerms | Array of ExtractedTerm | |
transitiveBroaderConcepts | Array of String | URIs of all transitive broader concepts. |
transitiveBroaderTopConcepts | Array of String | URIs of all top concepts that this concept is connected to via a transitive broader-chain. |
uri | String | Uniform resource identifier |
wordForms | Array of String | Lemmatized word forms |
Click here to expand...
ConceptScheme from a PoolParty thesaurus project - acts as a container for concepts
Attribute | Type | Comment |
title | String | The localized title of this concept scheme |
uri | String | Uniform resource identifier |
Attribute | Type | Comment |
literal | Literal | Literal |
property | String | Property |
Attribute | Type | Comment |
object | String | Object |
property | String | Property |
(PoolParty) concept scheme - acts as a container for concepts
Attribute | Type | Comment |
title | String | The name of this custom scheme type |
uri | String | Uniform resource identifier |
Phrase extracted from a text that does not match any Concepts
Attribute | Type | Comment |
corporaScore | double | Corpora score |
frequencyInDocument | int | Frequency within the document where it was extracted |
frequencyInDocuments | int | Frequency within the documents where it was extracted |
score | double | Relevance score |
textValue | String | The term phrase |
JSON Result:
{ "success": true, "suggestedConcepts": [ { "matchingLabel": "<em>Aspirin</em>-Induced Asthmas", "score": 10, "uri": "", "conceptSchemes": [ { "title": "Diseases", "uri": "" } ], "prefLabel": "Asthma, Aspirin-Induced", "altLabels": [ "Aspirin-Induced Asthmas", "Asthmas, NSAID-induced", "Asthma, Aspirin Induced", "Asthma Syndrome, Aspirin-Induced", "Induced Asthmas, Aspirin", "Asthmas, Aspirin-Induced", "Induced Asthma, Aspirin", "Syndrome, Aspirin-Induced Asthma", "Asthma Syndromes, Aspirin-Induced", "Aspirin Induced Asthma Syndrome", "Aspirin Induced Asthma", "Aspirin-Induced Asthma Syndromes", "Asthma, NSAID-induced", "Aspirin-Induced Asthma", "Syndromes, Aspirin-Induced Asthma", "Aspirin Induced Asthmas", "Asthmas, Aspirin Induced", "Aspirin-Induced Asthma Syndrome", "NSAID-induced Asthmas", "NSAID-induced Asthma", "Asthma, NSAID induced" ], "project": "1DAB156D-F01F-0001-ABCE-16301D4023C0", "language": "en", "id": "1DAB156D-F01F-0001-ABCE-16301D4023C0:" }, { "matchingLabel": "<em>Aspirin</em> Tolerance Tests", "score": 7, "uri": "", "conceptSchemes": [ { "title": "Phenomena and Processes", "uri": "" }, { "title": "Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment", "uri": "" } ], "prefLabel": "Bleeding Time", "altLabels": [ "Bleeding Time, Template", "Bleeding Times, Template", "Method, Ivy", "Bleeding Times", "Aspirin Tolerance Tests", "Tolerance Tests, Aspirin", "Tolerance Test, Aspirin", "Method, Duke", "Time, Template Bleeding", "Template Bleeding Time", "Times, Template Bleeding", "Times, Bleeding", "Time, Bleeding", "Template Bleeding Times", "Ivy Method", "Tests, Aspirin Tolerance", "Test, Aspirin Tolerance", "Duke Method", "Aspirin Tolerance Test" ], "project": "1DAB156D-F01F-0001-ABCE-16301D4023C0", "language": "en", "id": "1DAB156D-F01F-0001-ABCE-16301D4023C0:" }, { "matchingLabel": "<em>Aspirin</em>", "score": 4, "uri": "", "conceptSchemes": [ { "title": "Chemicals and Drugs", "uri": "" } ], "prefLabel": "Aspirin", "altLabels": [ "Micristin", "Polopirin", "Magnecyl", "Zorprin", "Ecotrin", "Solupsan", "Acetylsalicylic Acid", "Solprin", "Dispril", "Acid, Acetylsalicylic", "Aloxiprimum", "Endosprin", "2-(Acetyloxy)benzoic Acid", "Easprin", "Polopiryna", "Acetysal", "Colfarit", "Acylpyrin" ], "project": "1DAB156D-F01F-0001-ABCE-16301D4023C0", "language": "en", "id": "1DAB156D-F01F-0001-ABCE-16301D4023C0:" }, { "matchingLabel": "<em>Aspirin</em> Like Agents", "score": 3, "uri": "", "conceptSchemes": [ { "title": "Chemicals and Drugs", "uri": "" } ], "prefLabel": "Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal", "altLabels": [ "Analgesics, Anti Inflammatory", "Analgesics, Anti-Inflammatory", "Non-Steroidal Antirheumatic Agents", "Agents, Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory", "Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Agents", "NSAIDs", "Antiinflammatory Agents, Non Steroidal", "Agents, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory", "Antirheumatic Agents, Non Steroidal", "Agents, Aspirin-Like", "Anti Inflammatory Agents, Non Steroidal", "Nonsteroidal Anti Inflammatory Agents", "Aspirin-Like Agents", "Antirheumatic Agents, Non-Steroidal", "Antiinflammatory Agents, Nonsteroidal", "Agents, Non-Steroidal Antirheumatic", "Agents, Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory", "Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Nonsteroidal", "Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Agents", "Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents", "Anti Inflammatory Agents, Nonsteroidal", "Anti-Inflammatory Analgesics", "Anti-Rheumatic Agents, Non-Steroidal", "Anti Rheumatic Agents, Non Steroidal", "Agents, Non-Steroidal Anti-Rheumatic", "Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents", "Non-Steroidal Anti-Rheumatic Agents", "Aspirin Like Agents" ], "project": "1DAB156D-F01F-0001-ABCE-16301D4023C0", "language": "en", "id": "1DAB156D-F01F-0001-ABCE-16301D4023C0:" } ], "total": 4, "message": "query time: 80 ms" }
Query Examples - Concept Suggestion Request Service
Query Examples - Concept Suggestion Request Service
The following call shows the default using just the "searchString" parameter with a search for the text 'aspirin':
This example shows the same thing but uses the extended notation.
Although there is just one parameter you have to use an index value for the array of parameters. We use '0' here but you can use any integer value.
The last example in this section applies boosting to the labels and returns similar results to the previous examples.
Three search parameters are used for preferred label, alternative label and hidden label respectively. The search string is the same in all cases, but the boost factors are different. This simulates the SKOS boost scoring which is used by default. The SKOS boosting itself thus is switched of so the boosts can take effect.
As shown in the last example of the previous section multiple search strings can be used. When they are different, then concepts will be returned that contain any of the search strings. The scoring will take into account how much the query matches the retrieved concepts, which means, if you search for two terms then concepts that contain both of them, will be returned at higher positions. The parameters are combined using a logical OR, so also concepts containing only one of the search strings will be returned (but with lower scores).
With boosting the order of the returned results can be further influenced, here 'Alzheimer' gets a higher boost than 'Vaccines'. Thus concepts that contain this search string will appear at higher positions:
The interpretation of the search string can be influenced with the parameter "matchingStrategy".
The option "REGEX" lets you use regular expressions.
The following will search all concepts with labels that contain "alpha" + "-" + "at least two numbers". Internally the Solr regex functionality is used, see for example the following page of the Solr documentation for further information.
Parameters have to be URL encoded. In many cases this is not relevant, but for regular expressions this is essential for the query to work. The actual regular expression is ".*[aA][lL][pP][hH][aA]\-[0-9][0-9].*".
Expressions are interpreted case sensitive. In order to obtain a case insensitive search you can use the notation shown here while providing upper and lower case characters.
Using the "SENSITIVE" strategy, characters will be used in the search that are usually ignored, for example "-".
The following example will search concepts that contain the string 'aci-':
The default behaviour will also return concepts that contain for example 'acid', because "-" is ignored:
The "EXACT" strategy only matches concepts that contain a label that is exactly the same as the search string (no sub-string search).
This will only retrieve concepts that contain a label 'Aspirin' yet combinations with 'Aspirin' inside the label are ignored:
You can use the "labelType" and "customLabel" parameters to search over custom labels.
The call below returns concepts that contain
'chlor' in the altLabel
'methyl' in the custom label with URI <>
'insects' in the custom label with URI <>
Parameters need to be URL encoded which also affects the character "#" in the URIs.
It is also possible to only search in custom labels, the parameter "searchString" is optional.
You can also combine this with different matching strategies, for example regular expressions:
You can retrieve any concepts from a project: just specify the project ID and the language. This way no restrictions are applied and all concepts (up to what is set in "numberOfConcepts") are returned:
Concept Details Information Service
Concept Details Information Service
Description |
Returns the details of a concept from the extraction model. |
URL: /extractor/api/concepts
Supported Methods |
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
concept | String | true | |
projectId | String | true | |
language | String | true |
This method returns execution results in JSON format.
Concept from a PoolParty thesaurus project
Attribute | Type | Comment |
altLabels | Array of String | Alternative labels |
broaderConcepts | Array of String | URIs of all direct broader concepts |
conceptSchemes | Array of ThesaurusConceptScheme | The concept schemes this concept resides |
corporaScore | double | Relevance score - e.g. when extracted from a text |
customAttributes | Array of CustomAttribute | Custom attributes |
customRelations | Array of CustomRelation | Custom relations |
customSchemeTypes | Array of CustomSchemeType | URIs of the custom types assigned to the concept |
frequencyInDocument | int | Frequency of the concept in the text |
frequencyInDocuments | int | Frequency of the concept in the text |
hiddenLabels | Array of String | Hidden labels |
id | String | Concept id |
language | String | Language of the prefLabel, altLabels and hiddenLabels of this localized view of the concept |
matchingLabels | Array of MatchingLabel | Matching labels |
prefLabel | String | Preferred label |
project | String | UUID of the containing PoolParty project |
relatedConcepts | Array of String | URIs of all related concepts |
score | double | Normalized relevance score - e.g. when extracted from a text |
shadowConceptTerms | Array of ExtractedTerm | |
transitiveBroaderConcepts | Array of String | URIs of all transitive broader concepts |
transitiveBroaderTopConcepts | Array of String | URIs of all top concepts that this concept is connected to via a transitive broader-chain |
uri | String | Uniform resource identifier |
wordForms | Array of String | Lemmatized word forms |
ConceptScheme from a PoolParty thesaurus project - acts as a container for concepts
Attribute | Type | Comment |
title | String | The localized title of this concept scheme |
uri | String | Uniform resource identifier |
Custom attribute
Attribute | Type | Comment |
literal | Literal | Literal |
property | String | Property |
Custom Relation
Attribute | Type | Comment |
object | String | Object |
property | String | Property |
(PoolParty) concept scheme - acts as a container for concepts
Attribute | Type | Comment |
title | String | The name of this custom scheme type |
uri | String | Uniform resource identifier |
Phrase extracted from a text that does not match any Concepts
Attribute | Type | Comment |
corporaScore | double | Corpora score |
frequencyInDocument | int | Frequency within the document where it was extracted |
frequencyInDocuments | int | Frequency within the documents where it was extracted |
score | double | Relevance score |
textValue | String | The term phrase |