UnifiedViews Upgrade to 8.0
UnifiedViews Upgrade to 8.0
As of PoolParty 8.0, only UnifiedViews Administrators have permission to import DPUs on all fresh installations. If you are upgrading to 8.0 from an earlier version, you need to remove the permissions to import DPUs from UnifiedViews Users manually by executing the following SPARQL Update query over the repository defined in the database.rdf.conf.repository
property in the unifiedviews.properties
WITH <http://unifiedviews.poolparty.biz/resource/graph/conf> DELETE { <http://unifiedviews.poolparty.biz/resource/role/User> <http://ontology.unifiedviews.eu/core#permission> ?p } WHERE { <http://unifiedviews.poolparty.biz/resource/role/User> a <http://ontology.unifiedviews.eu/core#Role> ; <http://ontology.unifiedviews.eu/core#permission> ?p . ?p <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> "dpuTemplate.create" }
You can use the RDF4j workbench to run the query. It is usually available at http://server/rdf4j-workbench.