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Changing the Location of Your PoolParty Data Directory (Windows)


This guide assumes that you have a PoolParty default installation following the installation procedure.

STEP 1: Stop the PoolParty Server

Use the Apache Tomcat service application to stop PoolParty.

STEP 2: Copy the PoolParty Data Folder to the New Location

STEP 3: Change the Location in the Following Files

Find and replace the old path with the new path for your PoolParty installation in the following files:

  • C:\Users\Public\PoolParty\config\ConfigPathSetup.xml

  • C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat x.0\conf\server.xml

STEP 4: Change the Path for All Variables in the Java Options Defined in the Tomcat Server Application

Find and replace the old path with the new path for your PoolParty installation in the Java tab, Java Options field:



Please note that the above screenshot may show paths for older versions of Java and Tomcat and only serves as an example.

STEP 5: Change the Path for the Data Folder for the PoolParty Registry Entry

Change the Path for the Data Folder for the PoolParty Registry Entry


STEP 6: Start the PoolParty server

Use the Apache Tomcat service application to start PoolParty.