Example for an HTTP Webservice in PHP
Example for an HTTP Webservice in PHP
In this section you can find an example for using a SPARQL query template.
It retrieves the labels of a concept for creating an http webservice in php using the ARC library (see Available Clients).
<?php // include ARC2 libraries require_once('<path>/ARC2.php'); // configure the remote store $configuration = array('remote_store_endpoint' => '<link to the sparql endpoint>'); $store = ARC2::getRemoteStore($configuration); // the sparql query $query = " PREFIX skos:<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> SELECT ?label WHERE { { <$CONCEPT_URI> skos:prefLabel ?label.} UNION { <$CONCEPT_URI> skos:altLabel ?label.} UNION { <$CONCEPT_URI> skos:hiddenLabel ?label.} FILTER (lang(?label) = '$LANGUAGE') }"; // get the response from the sparql endoint $rows = $store->query($query, 'rows'); echo 'The concept has the following labels:'; foreach ($rows as $row) { echo $row['label'] . '<br />'; } ?>