You can use the Mirror App for a one-way synchronization (mirroring) of a project from a source server to one or more target servers. The existing contents of the target project will be deleted, and replaced with an exact copy of the source project. The synchronization does not include ontologies and custom schemes, but you can update them manually (see instructions below).
The Mirror App is installed on the source server and suitably configured.
These instructions assume default configuration of the Mirror App.
The project that will be synchronized exists on all the servers with the same project ID keyword. For more information, refer to the Set up a Project for Synchronization section below.
An API service user exists on all the servers and has at least one group in common with the project you want to synchronize. For more information, refer to Create a New User and User Groups in PoolParty.
To manage which projects can be synchronized, assign the API service user to a single group, for example Mirror. It will be possible to synchronize only projects that are added to this user group.
For synchronization to work, the project ID keyword must be the same in the source and target projects. The simplest way to ensure this is to manually copy the project from the source to the target servers as described below. Once this preliminary work is done, the project can be synchronized at any time using the Mirror App.
Download the source project from the source server as a .ppar archive. Leaving all options at defaults is sufficient.
On the target server, create a new project from the exported archive.
Log in to PoolParty on the source server.
Open the PoolParty project you want to synchronize.
Click Applications.
Select Mirror App.
The Mirror App opens in a new browser tab.
Click Start Synchronization.
If you log out of PoolParty or open a different project after opening the Mirror App, you will not be able to start synchronization.
After a while, a message and a short summary confirm successful synchronization.
Since a single ontology or custom scheme can be used in multiple projects, they are not updated on the target server by the Mirror App. If you are sure that no project on the target server requires the old version of the ontology or custom scheme, you can update them by copying them over from the source server.
From the source server, export each ontology or custom scheme that you want to copy to the target server.
On the target server, create a snapshot of the Custom Scheme repository.
On the target server, delete each of the ontologies and custom schemes that you want to update.
If you skip this step, the new and the old ontologies and custom schemes will be merged, which can lead to inconsistencies.
Import the new version of each ontology and custom scheme downloaded from the source server.
If necessary, enable the imported custom schemes in any PoolParty projects that require them.