PoolParty Access Management
PoolParty Access Management
The PoolParty access management is enabled by the User Management Module.
PoolParty SuperAdmins can create new users and edit or delete existing ones as well as reset their password. Additionally, they can manage user rights and permissions.
They can assign User Roles to individual users. User roles in PoolParty determine the access rights and editing permissions users have.
Afterward, they can assign User Group to users, which determines their access rights to projects, ontologies and custom schemes that have been assigned the same user groups.
Permissions are granted server-wide. SuperAdmins can also change the User Roles for a user per project. Their server-wide permissions are overruled in that project.
Additionally, as a user with access to the PoolParty UI, you can log in, display and update your user profile and change your password.
All PoolParty users created with the PoolParty User Management must activate their user account before they can use it.
If you would like to learn more about this topic, please watch this PoolParty Academy Tutorial video:
When the video is not available, you can sign up to the PoolParty Academy.