- PoolParty Semantic Suite Documentation
- PoolParty Quick Start Guides
- Recommender Quick Start Guide
- Sample Recommender API Calls
- Overview of Schemata for the Recommender API Calls
Overview of Schemata for the Recommender API Calls
Overview of Schemata for the Recommender API Calls
This section provides you with an overview of the major API schemata for the extraction, expansion and recommendation calls using the PoolParty Recommender API.
An asterisk (*) next to a parameter indicates a mandatory parameter.
All the details of each of the schemata can be found in the respective dedicated sections where you will find a short description of each parameter along with an example, and if applicable any dependencies and/or constraints.
All the details required for an extraction call.
searchSpaceId*[...] input*[...] locale[...] conceptSchemeFilters[...] conceptMinScore[...] corpusIds[...] maxNumberOfConcepts[...] customClassFilters[...] filterNestedConcepts[...] useCorpusScoring[...] useShadowConcepts[...] useDisambiguation[...] showMatchingInformation[...]
The response from the extract endpoint containing all identified concepts based on the input text and specified parameters.
message*[...] extractedConcepts[...] [ScoredConcept] uri*[...] label*[...] frequency*[...] score*[...] corpusScore[...] matchingLabels[...] [MatchingLabelsModel] label[...] predicate[...] language[...] frequency[...] matchedTexts[...] [MatchedText] matchedText[...] frequency[...] positions[...] [TokenPosition] beginIndex[...] endIndex[...] shadowConcepts[...] [ShadowConcept] uri[...] label[...] score[...] shadowConceptTerms[...] [ShadowTerm] textValue*[...] score*[...]
This schema contains all the information required for an expansion call.
searchSpaceId*[...] concepts*[...] [MinimalScoredConcept] uri*[...] score*[...] expansionQuery*[...] maxNumberOfConcepts*[...]
A successful response has code 200 and is returned from the expand endpoint.
message*[...] expandedConcepts[...] [ExpandedConcept] label[...] uri[...] score[...]
A concept found by the expansion query
label[...] uri[...] score[...]
This schema contains all the information required for a recommendation call.
searchSpaceId*[...] locale[...] input[...] concepts[...] [MinimalScoredConcept] uri*[...] score*[...] page[...] size[...]
The success response from the recommend endpoint.
message*[...] count[...] total[...] result[...] [Recommendation] id[...] title[...] description[...] link[...] date[...] author[...] concepts[...] explanation[...] [Explanation] totalScore[...] matchingConcepts[...] [MinimalScoredConcept] uri*[...] score*[...]
The failure response from the recommend endpoint.
A single recommendation schema.
id[...] title[...] description[...] link[...] date[...] author[...] concepts[...] explanation[...] [Explanation] totalScore[...] matchingConcepts[...] [MinimalScoredConcept] uri*[...] score*[...]
Specifies reasons for the recommendation.
totalScore[...] matchingConcepts[...] [MinimalScoredConcept] uri*[...] score*[...]
A concept only containing minimum information and used for instanced in expansion.
uri*[...] score*[...]
A scored concept.
uri*[...] label*[...] frequency*[...] score*[...] corpusScore[...] matchingLabels[...] [MatchingLabelModel] label[...] predicate[...] language[...] frequency[...] matchedTexts[...] [MatchedText] matchedText[...] frequency[...] positions[...] [TokenPosition] beginIndex[...] endIndex[...]
A concept not explicitly mentioned in the input but often associated with the input's topic when compared to the corpus.
uri[...] label[...] score[...] shadowConceptTerms[...] [ShadowTerm] textVale*[...] score*[...]
A term extracted from the input text and related to a shadow concept.
textValue*[...] score*[...]
All positions where a specific fragment of text was matched in the input text.
beginIndex[...] endIndex[...]
Matching information for the concepts labels in relation to the input text.
label[...] predicate[...] language[...] frequency[...] matchedTexts[...] [MatchedText] matchedText[...] frequency[...] positions[...] [TokenPosition] beginIndex[...] endIndex[...]
Text fragments matching the label along with their position.
matchedText[...] frequency[...] positions[...] [TokenPosition] beginIndex[...] endIndex[...]