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Release Notes - PoolParty 2022 R1 (9.0.0)



This release's highlights are the brand new PoolParty Authentication Service and the RDFox integration.

New PoolParty Authentication Service

Our new PoolParty Authentication Service allows for integrating into existing systems using Keycloak, the SAML 2.0 standard and the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

  • We have completely redesigned the PoolParty Authentication Service to provide better integration into an existing enterprise architecture with Single sign-on (SSO), or LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol).

  • PoolParty Authentication is now Keycloak based service. It is a widely supported and proven framework for identity and access management integrated into the PoolParty components. This new architecture increases security, makes the integration of PoolParty into a customer authentication infrastructure easier, and supports social login.

  • Integration with a third-party identity provider (IDP) using the SAML 2.0 standard or LDAP is more intuitive and less error prone.

  • The users who are managed by a third-party IDP are auto-provisioned when logging in to PoolParty. The auto-provisioning includes authorization and group assignment.

  • We have extended the OAuth 2.0 protocol implementation to cover more of our APIs to improve security.

  • The SAML 2.0 standard is available for a larger part of the platform including PoolParty GraphSearch.

  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is available out of the box.

  • Please note that PoolParty UnifiedViews is currently not integrated with the new authentication service.

RDFox Integration

  • We have integrated with RDFox , a high-performance knowledge graph and semantic reasoning engine, to enhance support of semantic search and recommendation.

  • You can easily connect PoolParty to RDFox via the Semantic Middle Ware Configurator (SMC).

  • You can export taxonomies and ontologies to RDFox.

  • You can store extraction results in RDFox.

  • You can Integrate RDFox into your UnifiedViews data processing pipelines.

PoolParty for SharePoint

PoolParty for SharePoint replaces the former PoolParty PowerTagging for SharePoint. It has been redeveloped from scratch to provide the same capabilities along with enhanced security and a modern architecture relying on cutting-edge technologies from Microsoft.

The main features of PoolParty for SharePoint are:

For more information, refer to the PoolParty for SharePoint 2022 R1 (9.0.0) release notes and the PoolParty for SharePoint documentation.


The most important improvements are the GUI usability enhancements.

  • We have improved tables and web forms for a more consistent user experience.

  • We have reworked the selection of a domain and range in the Ontology Management to improve usability.

Bug Fixes