How can I populate my taxonomy with external data, provided by client applications or external resources?
How can I populate my taxonomy with external data, provided by client applications or external resources?
Identification of frequently used terms in a reference document corpus not used in the thesaurus yet via gap-analysis (provided by PPX)
Suggest new labels and concepts via Free Concepts Suggestion API
Import of Excel tables and CSV files via PoolParty import feature
auto-populate of concepts (from DBpedia and other LOD sources) with built-in or external SKOSsy service
Sychronization with external sources (e.g. DBMS) can be done via the SPARQL Update API
UltraWrap or D2R to align and integrate PoolParty thesauri with relational databases (Oracle, Postgres, MS-SQL)
Scrapy to enrich taxonomies with terms and phrases from HTML-websites
In addition, third-party tools like Open Refine or several Java-parsers which we have developed are frequently used by ourselves or our clients to generate lists and SKOS-files from Excel/XML/Database dumps to be imported into PoolParty Thesaurus Server
If you would like to learn more about this topic, please watch this PoolParty Academy Tutorial video:
2.11 How to import and export Excel Sheets
When the video is not available, you can sign up to the PoolParty Academy.