Server Data Model
Server Data Model
For the server page the following data model is in place.
Key | Type | Description |
downloads | Map<Resource, Map<String, String>> | A map with the key being the project URI. The inner map has the format name (e.g. "RDF/XML", "N-Triples", "Turtle", "N3", "Trix", "TriG", "BinaryRDF", "N-Quads", "JSON-LD", "RDF/JSON", "RDFa") as key and as value the download link to the export file. |
downloadSizes | Map<Resource, Map<String, String>> | A map with the key being the project URI. The inner map has the format name (e.g. "RDF/XML", "N-Triples", "Turtle", "N3", "Trix", "TriG", "BinaryRDF", "N-Quads", "JSON-LD", "RDF/JSON", "RDFa") as key and as value the size of the download file. |
view | String | The requested view on the resource. (e.g. html) |
request | HttpServletRequest | The HttpServletRequest object of the current request. |
frontend | FrontendSetup | A bean of type at.punkt.PoolParty.Configuration.frontend.FrontendSetup holding the frontend configuration (access level, tabs, etc.) of this installation. |
namespaces | List | A list of org.openrdf.model.Namespace objects that are configured for this PoolParty installation. The namespaces are loaded from the namespaces.ttl file in the resourceRoot. |
projects | List<ResourceBean> | All public projects on the server in a list (see key "project" in Project Data Model) |
This is the code of the content of the default server page (server.vm).
<div class="yui-content"> <h2>PoolParty Server</h2> <br/> <p>The following linked data projects are hosted on this server.</p> <br/> <div class="onecol"> #foreach($projectBean in $projects) #if ($projectBean.get($DCTERMSTITLE)) #if ($even == "even") #set($even = "odd") #else #set($even = "even") #end #set($p = $projectBean.resource) <div about="$projectBean.resource" class="$even"> <div style="width: 350px; float: left; "> <div><a href="$projectBean.resource"><b>$tools.rdfa.print($projectBean.get($DCTERMSTITLE).get(0), $DCTERMSTITLE, $namespaces)</b></a></div> <div> $tools.rdfa.print($projectBean.get($DCTERMSSUBJECT).get(0), $DCTERMSSUBJECT, $namespaces)</div> #if ($projectBean.get($DCMODIFIED).get(0)) <div style="color: #666">Last Modified: $tools.rdfa.print($projectBean.get($DCMODIFIED).get(0), $DCMODIFIED, $namespaces)</div> #end #if ($projectBean.get($SWNUMBEROFCONCEPTS)) <div style="color: #666">Concepts: $projectBean.get($SWNUMBEROFCONCEPTS).get(0).label</div> #end </div> <div style="width:200px; float: right"> <p><b>Downloads</b></p> #if ($downloads.get($p)) #foreach($download in $downloads.get($p).entrySet()) <div class="$download.key.toLowerCase().replaceAll('\W','')"><a href="$download.value">$download.key</a></div> #end #end </div> <div style="clear:both;margin:0;padding:0;height:0;line-height:0"></div> </div> <br/> #end #end </div> </div>