SKOS-XL Label Relations in PoolParty
SKOS-XL Label Relations in PoolParty
This section explains how you can define SKOS-XL label relations in PoolParty.
The following details presuppose that you are familiar with basic knowledge about the use of ontologies and schemes in PoolParty.
Details on ontologies in PoolParty find here:Custom Scheme & Ontology Management
In PoolParty you can use relations between SKOS-XL labels based on the default SKOS-XL ontology.
The SKOS-XL ontology in PoolParty defines classes, relations and attributes the same way as other ontologies you can use with PoolParty. It is part of the PoolParty installation, so you can use it when the SKOS-XL add-on is available and enabled.
The SKOS-XL ontology provides the default relations and attributes you can use based on the SKOS-XL standard.
This means that whenever you create a SKOS-XL label and use PoolParty's interface to create relations, these definitions will be automatically applied. Find an example below.
The ontology contains the following definitions:
SKOS-XL label
Relation | Domain | Range | Relation Type |
alternative label | Concept | SKOS-XL Label | Directed |
hidden label | Concept | SKOS-XL Label | Directed |
label relation | SKOS-XL Label | SKOS-XL Label | Symmetrical |
preferred label | Concept | SKOS-XL Label | Directed |
literal form (Domain: SKOS-XL Label)
The concept 'Spritz Veneziano' in our 'Cocktails' thesaurus has got the SKOS-XL label 'Spritz Veneziano' created for it, attached to its preferred label. Additionally we added the alternative label 'Spritz' and the hidden label for German 'Cocktail aus dem Veneto' for it.
In the PoolParty interface the relations can be seen in every SKOS-XL label's Details View , as shown below.
Since 'Cocktail aus dem Veneto' is a hidden label in German for the concept 'Spritz Veneziano', the first section is called that: As Hidden Label (1).
The two other relations we created and mentioned show up in the second section, relations to the alternative label 'Spritz' and the preferred label 'Spritz Veneziano' (2).
The third section shows the literal form itself, with an additional elongated small shape depicting the language: de (3)
The SKOS tab of the concept 'Spritz Veneziano' now looks like this, displaying SKOS-XL labels as blue-coloured links, the elongated shapes depicting the language, en or de:

Create SKOS-XL labels and relations between them following these steps: