SPARQL Endpoint
SPARQL Endpoint
PoolParty offers a full fledged SPARQL endpoint to query your thesauri. This is particularly useful for distributed queries, where you can incorporate data from various sources.
You can find the SPARQL Endpoint in the SPARQL tab of the The PoolParty Frontend.
The SPARQL endpoint is available via basic authentication for users having access to the project or publicly available for ‘Public’ projects.
You can select the format of the results of a query, add namespace definitions to your queries selecting one of the checkboxes in the Add Namespace section.
Alternatively you can start with one of the sample queries provided. Once you defined your query, click the Run Query button to get the results.
The following output formats are available:
HTML table (Default)
CSV (comma separated values)
TSV (tab separated values)

The PoolParty project SPARQL endpoint now also supports the CSV (comma separated values) and TSV (tab separated values) content types as output format.
Find more information about the PoolParty's SPARQL Endpoint in the PoolParty - Developer Guide.