User Roles in PoolParty
User Roles in PoolParty
This section contains a short guide on available user roles in PoolParty and their effect when assigned to a user.
User roles define different access levels for a PoolParty Server.
In PoolParty the following roles exist:
This role allows logging in to PoolParty and open projects with read-only access.
This is the default user role in PoolParty allowing users to log in to PoolParty and open and edit projects.
This role allows you in addition to the PoolPartyUser role to create and delete projects for the assigned groups and gives users access to the Advanced menu, where several advanced configuration functions are available. Also, you need the PoolPartyAdmin role to access the Ontology Management and create and edit ontologies and custom schemes.
This role allows you in addition to the PoolPartyAdmin role access to the User Management and the Snapshot Dashboard.
This role allows only access to the Wiki frontend of a project. Users with this role cannot log in to PoolParty.
This user role allows read and write access to the PoolParty API. Users with this role cannot log in to PoolParty.
In addition to the rights ApiUsers have, users with this role can for instance create and modify ontologies, delete and create projects and create, delete and restore snapshots. Users with this role cannot log in to PoolParty.
Depending on configuration, this role might get automatically assigned to users managed by an LDAP IDP. Users with this role cannot use PoolParty.
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The permissions in PoolParty are separated into several different actions that are part of these roles and, depending on the role's access level, are allowed or restricted.
Details about the existing user permissions find in these topics:
The behavior of the WikiEditor role only applies if you set the frontend access level for the server to 'Login'.
You can control your users programmatically via API: Web Service Method: Request User Groups and Web Service Method: Request User Roles and Groups.
If you would like to learn more about this topic, please watch this PoolParty Academy Tutorial video:
When the video is not available, you can sign up to the PoolParty Academy.
Access the User Roles in PoolParty
Access the User Roles in PoolParty
This section contains a short guide on how to access the Roles node to manage user roles in PoolParty.
To manage user roles and to check on their members, use the User Administration in PoolParty.
In order to access the Roles node, follow these steps:
Open the User Management using the icon in the toolbar.
Select the Roles node in the User Administration tree on the left.
On the right, the Details View for user roles is displayed and all existing user roles are listed. In addition, the column #Members displays the number of users that are part of each role.
Details on how to edit role membership and determine permissions find here: How to Edit Existing Users and Access to User Settings for PoolParty Users.
Available Tabs in a Role's Details View
Available Tabs in a Role's Details View
This section contains a short guide on the available tabs in the Details View of a role.
When you activate a role in the Roles node in the Hierarchy Tree of the User Administration, in the Details View on the right, three tabs become available:
The Members tab
The Server Permissions tab
The Project Permissions tab
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User Roles - Members Tab
When you select a node representing a particular role in the PoolParty User Management, the Members tab listing all the users with this role opens by default.
This section contains a short guide on the Members tab in the Details View of a role.
The Members tab opens per default when you activate a role's node (1).
Its Details View (2) lists all users who have assigned this role together with their full name (optional).
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User Roles - Server Permissions
The Server Permissions tab lists all server dependent permissions that are granted by a particular role. See our documentation to find out more.
The Server Permissions tab is the second in the row of tabs available in a role's Details View. Click its label to open it (1).
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It lists all server dependent permissions that are granted by this role.
A green icon indicates granted permissions. Permissions that are not granted by this role are grayed out.
The following actions and corresponding permissions exist, listed here in one table.
The PoolPartySuperAdmin role always has all permissions granted so it is not mentioned separately in this table.
Permission | Description | PoolParty Admin | PoolParty User | PoolParty ReadOnly | WikiEditor | Api Admin | Api User | None |
GraphSearch Admin | Permission to manage GraphSearch installations as administrator. | |||||||
GraphSearch User | Permission to access GraphSearch installations as user. | |||||||
WIKI | Permission to log in as WIKI user. | |||||||
API Write | Permission to use data changing API methods. | |||||||
API Read | Permission to use read-only API methods. | |||||||
Snapshots | Create, delete and restore snapshots. | |||||||
Login | Permission to log in into the PoolParty user interface. Users without login may still use the API or WIKI. | |||||||
Delete Projects | Permission to delete existing projects. | |||||||
Create Projects | Permission to create new projects. | |||||||
Delete Ontologies | Permission to delete ontologies in the Ontology Management dashboard. | |||||||
Edit Ontologies | Permission to edit ontologies in the Ontology Management dashboard. | |||||||
Read Ontologies | Permission to view ontologies in the Ontology Management dashboard. | |||||||
Create Ontologies | Permission to create new ontologies in the Ontology Management dashboard. | |||||||
API SPARQL Update | Permission to use the API's SPARQL update endpoint. | |||||||
Publish | Permission to publish/unpublish ontologies and custom schemes. | |||||||
Corpus Management | Permission to delete PoolParty users. | |||||||
Edit Users | Permission to edit PoolParty user data. | |||||||
Read Users | Permission to view PoolParty user data. | |||||||
Create Users | Permission to create new PoolParty users. | |||||||
Corpus Language Model Settings | Change corpus language model settings. | |||||||
Move Metadata Repositories | Permission to move PoolParty metadata from and to remote and local repositories. | |||||||
Admin Scripts | Grants access to the Admin Scripts area. | |||||||
Server Migration | Permission to access and run server migration modules. | |||||||
Semantic Middleware Configurator | Configure remote systems via the Semantic Middleware Configurator. |
User Roles - Project Permissions
The Project Permissions tab lists all project dependent permissions that are granted by a particular role. See our documentation to find out more.
The Project Permissions tab is the third in the row of tabs available in a role's Details View. Click its label to open it (1).
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It lists all permissions that are granted with this role and are project dependent.
A green icon indicates granted permissions. Permissions that are not granted by this role are grayed out.
The available actions and corresponding permissions are listed in the table below.
The PoolPartySuperAdmin role always has all permissions granted so it is not mentioned separately in this table.
Permission | Description | PoolParty Admin | PoolParty User | PoolParty ReadOnly | WikiEditor | Api Admin | Api User | None |
Classifier Delete | Permission to delete classifier instances. | |||||||
Classifier Write | Permission to change classifier settings and run classification jobs. | |||||||
Classifier Read | Permission to access the classifier feature. | |||||||
Classifier Create | Permission to create new classifier or duplicate existing ones. | |||||||
Project Write | Permission to edit, delete or create project data, such as concepts. | |||||||
Project Read | Permission to access projects. | |||||||
Corpus Delete | Permission to delete corpora in the Corpus Management. | |||||||
Corpus Write | Permission to edit corpora in the Corpus Management. | |||||||
Corpus Read | Permission to view corpora in the Corpus Management. | |||||||
Corpus Create | Permission to create corpora in the Corpus Management. | |||||||
Advanced Menu | Display the Advanced menu at the top. | |||||||
Quality Settings | Permission to change quality settings. | |||||||
Linked Data Settings | Permission to change Linked Data Administration settings. | |||||||
URI Editing | Allows users to change URIs of existing resources. | |||||||
Advanced URI Settings | Edit project URI settings for newly created project resources. | |||||||
System Settings | Change settings for concurrent editing. | |||||||
SKOS-XL Settings | Permission to change SKOS-XL settings. | |||||||
SKOS In Scheme Settings | Permission to change SKOS In Scheme settings. | |||||||
Workflow Assign | Assign permissions in workflow. | |||||||
Workflow Actions | Approve or reject SKOS Concept and SKOS-XL Label changes. | |||||||
Workflow Settings | Allows to change workflow settings for a project. | |||||||
Project Custom Schemes | Permission to change active custom schemes for a project. | |||||||
Project Notifications | Permission to create, edit or delete project notification settings. | |||||||
Project Linking | DBpedia link projects. | |||||||
Delete History | Permission to delete the history of a project. | |||||||
Project Groups | Permission to change the groups of a project. | |||||||
Project User Roles | Grant project specific user roles to users. | |||||||
Triples Tab | Permission to delete triples via the Triples Tab. |
Project-dependent User Roles
Project-dependent User Roles
Once you add a user to project users, you can grant them project-dependent user roles, which differ for a given user from their global permissions on that PoolParty instance.
Add a User to Project Users
Add a User to Project Users
This section contains a short guide on how to add users to the Project Users node in the User Management's Project Administration.
Open the User Management using the icon in the toolbar.
Select the Project Users node in the Project Administration: project name tree on the left.
In the Details View of the opened Project Users node, you see a list of all currently existing project users.
Click Add User.
The Project Role overrides the user's server-wide permissions.
The Add User dialogue opens. You can select a user from a list of existing global users in the User drop-down.
Select the user and click Add. The user is displayed in the user list.
Available Tabs in the Project User Details View
Available Tabs in the Project User Details View
This section contains a short guide on the available tabs in the Details View of a project user.
In the Details View of any project user two tabs are available:
User Details (1)
Project Permissions (2)

Project Users - User Details Tab
The User Details tab opens per default when you activate a user's node. It contains the User Details and the Project Role sections.
The User Details tab opens per default when you activate a user's node. It contains the User Details (1) and the Project Role (2) sections. You can Define a Project Specific User Role for a User from here.
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Define a Project Specific User Role for a User
Define a Project Specific User Role for a User
This section contains a short guide on how to grant project-dependent permissions by assigning a project-specific role for a user.
User roles and user groups determine the access and editing permissions for a PoolParty project. Apart from a global user role and their permission, you can also assign a project-dependent user role to the user.
To grant a project dependent user role to a user, follow these steps:
Open the User Management using the icon in the toolbar.
Expand the Project Users node in the Project Administration: project name tree.
The Project Administration: project name is only visible when a PoolParty project is opened.
Select a user from the list of users to edit and to activate the respective node.
In the User Details tab, go to the Project Role section. Click in the Current Project Role dropdown list and select the desired role.
Click Update.
Details on roles and permissions find here:
Project Users - Project Permissions Tab
Project Users - Project Permissions Tab
This section contains a short guide on the Project Permissions tab in the Details View of a project user.
In the Project Permissions tab (1) you find the permissions that have been granted to users for this project.
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