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PoolParty Directory Structure Windows

The following list gives a brief overview of the directory structure in a PoolParty on Windows, following the default installation in the installation guide for Windows.


We will only list files and folders relevant for the installation or configuration of PoolParty


  • auth.xmlAccess configuration file for the PoolParty APIs.

  • ConfigPathSetup.xml

    Definition of pathnames used for saving data produced by PoolParty (e.g. repositories, files etc.) at runtime.

  • licenses\

    Includes all license files of your PoolParty components.

  • poolparty.conf

    Configuration of tomcat server specific startup parameters for PoolParty.


    Main configuration file for the PoolParty Semantic Suite.

  • SesameSetup.xml

    Configuration file for PPT specific settings.

  • remoteRepository.spring.xml

    Graph database that can be connected to your PoolParty server as Remote Repository. See also Setting Up a Connection to an External Graph Database.


  • backupRoot\

    This directory includes all project exports stored on the server. Exports are stored in one folder per project. The folder name is created from the projects UUID.

  • fileuploadRoot\

    Files uploaded by the PoolParty import/export function. Uploads are stored in one folder per project. The folder name is created from the projects UUID.

    • corpus

      Files uploaded to a document corpus. Uploads are stored in one folder per corpus. The foldername is created from the corpus UUID.

    • projects

      PoolParty ppar files uploaded to create new projects from a project export.

    • reports

      This directory includes all custom reports stored on the server.

  • frontendRoot\

  • resourceRoot\

    This directory holds all additional configuration files and files created by PPT (e.g. namespace.ttln -> Namespaces used in PoolParty at runtime. You can also place templates used for custom reports here.

  • sesameRoot\

    This includes the Sesamegraph database used by PPT and all repositories created by PPT.

  • snapshotRoot\

    The PoolParty snapshot function stores snapshots of all projects as defined in this directory.

  • solr\

    Includes all Solr configuration and cores used by the PoolParty Semantic Suite.


  • Includes the built in Apache Solr 5 server.


  • conf\

  • lib\

  • logs\

    Here's where you look for log-files related to Apache Tomcat and PoolParty.

  • webapp\

    • extractor\

      The PoolParty Extractor web application.

    • PoolParty\

      The PoolParty Thesaurus Server web application.

    • ROOT\

      The web application handling the LD Frontend.