Migrate a Keycloak Embedded Database to an External Database Service (Linux)
It is necessary to migrate the embedded database Keycloak comes with which is only intended for development use-cases and is not suitable for production use-cases as stated in the Keycloak online documentation.
For productive deployments of Keycloak we use the PostgreSQL database (currently supported and tested version of PostgreSQL is version 16). Before migrating the Keycloak DB make a backup of your "poolparty_home"/auth_service
Below we describe how you can install and configure a PostgreSQL DB which is the tested and supported database to be used with Keycloak and PoolParty.
Install the database as specified under Linux distribution. Connect to the server using sudo -i -u postgres
and run the following commands:
CREATE DATABASE keycloakdb; CREATE USER keycloakdbuser WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'keycloakdbpass'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE keycloakdb TO keycloakdbuser;
Open a new terminal window and stop all PoolParty services. Make a dump of the Keycloak database. To create the dump (backup) of the Keycloak DB proceed as follows:
Change directory to:
./kc.sh export --file keycloak.json
.Make sure that the lines 9 through 15 in the
look like this:# The database vendor. db=postgres # The username of the database user. db-username=keycloakdbuser # The password of the database user. db-password=keycloakdbpass # The full database JDBC URL. If not provided, a default URL is set based on the selected database vendor. db-url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/keycloakdb ****************************************************************************************
./kc.sh build
.To enable configuration changes run
./kc.sh import --file keycloak.json
.Then restart the PoolParty services.
If you have docker
or podman
installed you can use the docker-compose files to run the database in a container.
An example of docker compose
version: '3.9' services: postgres: image: postgres:16-alpine ports: - 5432:5432 volumes: - /home/test-user/kc_postgresdb/db/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=keycloak - POSTGRES_USER=keycloak - POSTGRES_DB=keycloak
An example of podman
services: pgdb: image: postgres:16 container_name: postgres environment: - VERSION=podman - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=keycloak - POSTGRES_USER=keycloak - POSTGRES_DB=keycloak - PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data restart: always ports: 5432:5432 volumes: - /yourpath/pg_db:/var/lib/postgresql/data:z
Now run docker compose
respectively podman compose
in detached mode.
Afterwards proceed with the migration of keycloak data.
To migrate a PoolParty realm-specific Keycloak embedded database to an external database service for Linux, do the following:
Stop the PoolParty service if it's running at
.Do a complete backup of data at
.Go to the
folder.Put the script into this folder. The script is called
in this example and you can find it below.Make the
file executable with chmod +x /path/to/poolparty/bin/migrate-keycloak-to-db.Edit the
file and define the following:DB_VENDOR
Here is an example screenshot:
Execute ./migrate-keycloak-to-db to migrate to the defined database service.
If something goes wrong (for example you have provided a wrong database password), you can either recover the installation from the backup created in step 2 or execute ./migrate-keycloak-to-db rollback.
It is important to run the rollback before re-running migration with changed settings.