PoolParty's Menu Button
PoolParty's Menu Button
This section contains a short guide on the Menu Button in PoolParty and the available functions there.
In the upper right-hand corner of PoolParty's interface you find the Menu button (1), click to expand it and display the submenu buttons:

The following functions are available here:
Use Corpus Search to open an interface for testing the search inside your project for a possible application based on it. For details refer to: Create a Corpus Search Interface Within PoolParty
Click LD Frontend to access the Linked Data Frontend of the project.
Use PP Browser to access the PoolParty Browser where you can find the SPARQL Endpoint and the Wiki Frontend of the project.
Use SPARQL here to access the SPARQL Endpoint directly.
Clicking Visualization will open a new browser tab or window displaying a graphical representation as pie chart of the project's thesaurus.
The external services you can configure in PoolParty, in these examples SKOS Play! and WebVOWL, you can open from here, greyed out would indicate that the configuration has to be checked for being reachable. Use the Semantic Milddleware Configurator.
If one or more buttons you need are greyed out, contact your administrator.