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Taxonomy Connection Reports and Logs

If you have the Tagging module enabled, the PoolParty for SharePoint Administration application allows you to access the reports and logs containing details on the connections between SharePoint document libraries or lists and PoolParty taxonomies and concept schemes.Access Application's Reports and LogsReference: Reports and Logs

Procedure. Access Taxonomy Connection Reports and Logs
  • On the page with PoolParty for SharePoint Administration, select Reports and logs.


    The Reports and logs page opens with the Taxonomy connections tab selected by default.

. Reference: Taxonomy Connection Reports and Logs

After you have accessed the reports and logs of the Tagging module, you can see the following details:

  • Taxonomy connections (1) – list of all document libraries and lists connected to a PoolParty taxonomy


    A single library or list can be connected to multiple PoolParty taxonomies and concept schemes. Additionally, the same taxonomy can be connected to the same library or list multiple times, each time with unique settings. Each connection is represented by a separate entry within the list.


    You can sort the list by clicking a column header.

    • Library or list (a) – name of the library or list connected to a PoolParty taxonomy


      Click the name to go to the library or list.

    • Site (b) – name of the site containing the library or list connected to a PoolParty taxonomy


      Click the name to go to the site.

    • Created (c) – date when the library or list was connected to a PoolParty taxonomy

    • Modified (d) – date when the connection was modified for the last time

    • Taxonomy (e) – name of the PoolParty taxonomy (project) to which the library or list is connected