Get Similar Documents
GET /api/configurations/{configId}/getSimilar
Returns a list of documents that are similar to a document identified by its URI in a GraphSearch search space.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
configId | path | integer(int32) | true | The ID of the configuration to use for suggesting similar documents. |
number | query | integer(int32) | false | The maximum number of suggested similar documents. |
uri | query | string | true | The URI of the document to get similar documents for. |
similarity | query | string | false | The similarity plugin to use. For more information on GraphSearch plugins, refer to the PoolParty documentation. |
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Status | Meaning | Description |
200 | List of similar documents | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
{ "message": "query time: -1199 ms", "result": [ { "date": 1.7049276E12, "description": "Hippo Harvest is an agricultural company using plant science, machine learning, and robotics to grow leafy greens and other produce in greenhouse environments. Hippo Harvest’s technology addresses the emissions and waste that result from traditional produce farming. These include fertilizer and land use, transportation, and landfill methane from wasted produce, which account for roughly 30% of the emissions from crops grown for human consumption. The greenhouse system can be deployed almost anywhere, allowing produce to be grown closer to consumers. This cuts down emissions from produce transportation and increases the shelf life of fresh produce by up to five days. As a grocery retailer, Amazon is committed to supporting new produce solutions like those offered by Hippo Harvest as we grow our product offerings at our Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods Market stores.", "empty": false, "facetList": [ { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "0.75", "value": null, "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_flt_sentiment", "label": "Sentiment" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Waste", "value": "", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_4a404eda-eebf-43b1-9383-dfd707f0ae52", "label": "Risks" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Fertilizer industry", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Harvest", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Landfill", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Lithium iron phosphate battery", "value": "", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_aafe7588-98fa-45a6-9184-3e25b50cfd63", "label": "Opportunities and Solutions" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Fertilizer 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Through this pilot, suppliers conducted baseline visual and physical audits of materials waste (cardboard, clamshells, etc.), green waste (culls) and food loss in 2021 to determine which priority actions to include in a waste reduction plan. The companies are now implementing these programs and gathering data to measure their success in reducing waste and ultimately greenhouse gas emissions. 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