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Upgrade the Search Application

The upgrade procedure is very similar to the initial installation process. The only thing to keep in mind is to back up the /adf/data/ directory where the database storing all ADF configurations is located, if the upgrade includes a new version of Tomcat or PoolParty since such an upgrade will overwrite this directory. The easiest way is to copy the directory to a desired backup location using the cp command.


The following prerequisites must be satisfied before you start with the upgrade procedure:

. System Requirements
  • 64bit GNU/Linux Server (CentOS/RHEL/Oracle Linux 7 and 8)

  • at least 5 GB free disk space and 4 GB RAM

. Software Requirements
  • PoolParty Thesaurus Server 9.1 (PoolParty 2022 Release 2) or higher

  • OpenJDK (same version as currently installed for your PoolParty instance), make sure that JAVA_HOME is set up properly

  • Keycloak (is shipped with PoolParty; during the installation, you will be prompted to provide its URL, name of the PoolParty realm and a client secret for the client ppt)

  • Apache Tomcat 9 (you can install the ADF Search Application with its own Tomcat instance or as an application that shares an Apache Tomcat instance with PoolParty)


    If the upgrade includes a new version of Tomcat, you need to manually stop it before running the installer.


Please note that if ADF and PoolParty share the same Tomcat instance, the database is moved into the PoolParty config folder.

Upgrade Procedure
Example 2. Example Upgrade Routine
This will install ADF 1.1.0 on your computer. 1 
OK [o, Enter], Cancel [c]
> o

Choose the appropriate option: 2
Install ADF [1, Enter],
Upgrade an existing ADF installation [2],
Cancel installation [c]

Choose the appropriate option: 3
ADF is run as a standalone application [1, Enter],
ADF is run on a shared Tomcat 9 instance (this will not update Tomcat) [2],
Cancel installation [c]
> 1

Enter installation directory: 4

Please review the application properties: 5

SETTING                 VALUE
Base Path               /search
PoolParty URL 
PoolParty User Group    ADF
Keycloak URL            u
Keycloak Realm          poolparty
Keycloak Client ID      ppt
Keycloak Client Secret  JhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5
Proceed installation?
OK [o, Enter], Cancel [c]


Download the ADF Search Application installer (for example from SWC download area and run it from the terminal. When prompted that the ADF Search Application will be installed on your system, confirm by pressing either o or Enter.


Run the installer as a root user to ensure smooth installation process and avoid any permission issues during the installation procedure.


When prompted about the installation options, select an upgrade by entering 2.


Specify whether you want to upgrade the ADF Search Application running as a standalone application (i.e. with its own Tomcat 9 instance) by pressing 1 or Enter or as an application that shares an Apache Tomcat instance with PoolParty by pressing 2.


Specify the folder where the ADF Search Application is installed or confirm the default path by pressing Enter.


Review the current application settings:

  • Base Path – the base path where the ADF Search Application will be accessible at

    For instance if you specify /search as a base path, the main user interface will be accessible at servername/search and the configuration interface at servername/search/configurations.

  • PoolParty URL – URL of the PoolParty instance the ADF Search Application works on top of

  • PoolParty User Group – PoolParty user group that will permit access to the ADF configuration interface. Only users that are members of this PoolParty group are able to log in to the ADF Search Application configuration interface.

  • Keycloak URL – URL of PoolParty's Keycloak instance

  • Keycloak Realm – the realm in Keycloak for the connected PoolParty instance

  • Keycloak Client ID – must be ppt

  • Keycloak Client Secret – client secret of the Keycloak client ppt.

If everything is correct, proceed with the installation by pressing o or Enter. If you want to change the settings, press c.

Procedure. Post-Upgrade Tasks
  1. Make sure that Keycloak and Apache Tomcat are up and running. Their default ports are:

    • Apache Tomcat: 8080

    • Keycloak: 8181

    If a new version of Apache Tomcat was installed, you need to start Tomcat manually using a script.

    # ./
    ROOT-SURFACE:           /opt/ADF/bin
    using CATALINA_BASE:    /opt/ADF
    using CATALINA_HOME:    /opt/ADF
    using CATALINA_TMPDIR:  /opt/ADF/temp
    using JRE_HOME:         /usr
    using CLASPATH:         /opt/ADF/bin/boostrap.jar:/opt/
    using CATALINA_OPTS:    
    Tomcat started.
  2. Open a browser and access the ADF installation at localhost:8080/basepath/ to verify that everything works as expected.