Get Recommendations
GET /api/configurations/{configId}/getRecommendations
Returns recommendations for a document identified by its URI in a GraphSearch search space.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
configId | path | integer(int32) | true | The ID of the configuration to use for recommending documents. |
uri | query | string | true | The URI of the document to get recommended documents for. |
recommender | query | string | true | The recommender plugin to use for recommending documents. |
curl '' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJ3U2ZNbmY1Wm9leEFhc2NiSnNtZ2tlNktHRnc2NG1laWY0MzJwNHBXX2RrIn0.eyJleHAiOjE3MDk3MzQ3NjUsImlhdCI6MTcwOTczNDQ2NSwianRpIjoiZjU3ODhkODctZTFlMy00ZWU0LThkYWUtMTI5YmRmNjM2MTg2IiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9sb2dpbi1pbnRlcm5hbC1ldS5wb29scGFydHkuYml6L2F1dGgvcmVhbG1zL3ZvY2FidWxhcnkuc2VtYW50aWMtd2ViLmF0IiwiYXVkIjoiYWNjb3VudCIsInN1YiI6IjQwNjk1MTk2LTQyZGYtNGIzOS05NGEyLTQ1MzgzOGM3YzEzMSIsInR5cCI6IkJlYXJlciIsImF6cCI6InBwdCIsInNlc3Npb25fc3RhdGUiOiIzODA1M2YzYS1lZTA5LTRhOGEtYjdkNi0zZDI2MzI2NjY0YWEiLCJhbGxvd2VkLW9yaWdpbnMiOlsiKiJdLCJyZWFsbV9hY2Nlc3MiOnsicm9sZXMiOlsib2ZmbGluZV9hY2Nlc3MiLCJQb29sUGFydHlTdXBlckFkbWluIiwibG9jYWwtdXNlciIsInVtYV9hdXRob3JpemF0aW9uIiwiZGVmYXVsdC1yb2xlcy12b2NhYnVsYXJ5LnNlbWFudGljLXdlYi5hdCJdfSwicmVzb3VyY2VfYWNjZXNzIjp7ImFjY291bnQiOnsicm9sZXMiOlsibWFuYWdlLWFjY291bnQiLCJtYW5hZ2UtYWNjb3VudC1saW5rcyIsInZpZXctcHJvZmlsZSJdfX0sInNjb3BlIjoib3BlbmlkIGVtYWlsIHByb2ZpbGUiLCJzaWQiOiIzODA1M2YzYS1lZTA5LTRhOGEtYjdkNi0zZDI2MzI2NjY0YWEiLCJpcmkiOiJodHRwOi8vcmVzb3VyY2Uuc2VtYW50aWMtd2ViLmF0L3VzZXIvbGFrb21jaWtvdmFyIiwiZW1haWxfdmVyaWZpZWQiOnRydWUsInVpTGFuZ3VhZ2UiOiJlbiIsImRpc3BsYXlMYW5ndWFnZXMiOlsiIl0sInNrb3NWaWV3IjoiQkFTSUNTS09TVklFVyIsIm5hbWUiOiJSb21hbmEgTGFrb21jaWtvdmEiLCJncm91cHMiOlsiL0NvY2t0YWlscyIsIi9QdWJsaWMiLCIvU1dDIl0sInRpbWVab25lIjoiRXVyb3BlL1ZpZW5uYSIsInByZWZlcnJlZF91c2VybmFtZSI6Imxha29tY2lrb3ZhciIsImdpdmVuX25hbWUiOiJSb21hbmEiLCJhY0xhbmd1YWdlIjoiZW4iLCJmYW1pbHlfbmFtZSI6Ikxha29tY2lrb3ZhIn0.TrC_p_ZDizOt7UWjV69-wiCU2A3q1QnG6Yp1SMNZMzgt0ss4gOr8uO51xWQPFu0YMJg9_GV4gGm8vY-_7Hf7_XADgSZhyJJ7CwZLCfgqKYxlApRTOA9tN3os5lB7wpZBBxoBHmZLqitq2McngA6v7lPviJBZisrQKWbbmAC-hmrbd53PVJV7SKX4TG2do6GM1UsSNk3JjP9w5sNJTLOQmS6Ox6A6ANYSxB0H9NegHvDVV2vSU-sRfvTh7IgGBs0-BJJO0AM-QNigt_gNNzVgUx8WP-SqRbDEdDqQoV81OVQxwlZw6cZ98f6vjJKVmwiZh610aIrJ1NJiewT1YQCt6Q'
Status | Meaning | Description |
200 | List of recommended documents | |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found |
{ "message": "query time: -27 ms", "result": [ { "date": 1.6950744E12, "description": "For the drug preparation business, Livzon has continuously explored markets outside the PRC. We continue to advance the market access and sales of products in fields of assisted reproduction, gastroenterology, psychiatry, immunology and anti-infection in emerging markets developing countries, including the countries and regions in South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Eurasia and Africa, such as Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, Uzbekistan, and Nigeria. Meanwhile, we evaluate and select products with higher market potential overseas and strengthen their registration to continuously cater for the needs of international markets.", "empty": false, "facetList": [ { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "1.0", "value": null, "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_flt_sentiment", "label": "Sentiment" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Geographical areas", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Least developed countries", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Uzbekistan", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Africa", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Thailand", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Central Asia", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Nigeria", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Pakistan", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Russia", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Philippines", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Indonesia", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Malaysia", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "South Asia", "value": "", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_96538783-fa1b-451b-8cfd-b66cc48cec80", "label": "Core concepts" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "ESGparagraphs", "value": null, "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_lit_context", "label": "SearchSpace" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "tosil", "value": null, "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_lit_author", "label": "Author" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Sales", "value": "", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_94164d55-502c-4668-adbe-608363beaed1", "label": "Products, processes, materials" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Geographical areas", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Least developed countries", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Uzbekistan", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Africa", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Thailand", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Sales", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Central Asia", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Nigeria", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Pakistan", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Russia", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Philippines", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Indonesia", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Malaysia", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "South Asia", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_all_concepts", "label": "All Facets" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Least developed countries", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Uzbekistan", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Africa", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Thailand", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Central Asia", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Nigeria", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Pakistan", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Russia", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Philippines", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Indonesia", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Malaysia", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "South Asia", "value": "", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_D72", "label": "Geography" } ], "documentDetails": [], "id": "", "image": null, "link": "", "searchSpaceId": "413a6e31-5946-4db4-9450-2d70b30d928b", "title": "Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc - e_2022_esg_report_ess%281%291682687202596.pdf - page=34/1", "type": "User" }, { "date": 1.6950744E12, "description": "During the Reporting Period, the planting area of the self-built base in Hunyuan County of Datong City in Shanxi Province increased by 300 mu, and 55 more local workers were employed. In addition, in view of the national “rural revitalization strategy”, Datong Livzon cooperated with the village committee of Mazhuang Village in Guan’er Township, Hongyuan County of Datong City in Shanxi Province to launch the project of “Joint Construction by Village and Enterprise” to build a primary processing plant in the cultivation base and producing area of astragalus roots. The project has been completed and put into operation. The Company also trained about 30 managers and farmers of the jointly built base in Zizhou County of Yulin City in Shaanxi Province on the new version of the Good Agricultural Practice, and conducted technical guidance and practical training on the traceability system of traditional Chinese medicinal materials. Meanwhile, the Company set up meteorological observation stations at the jointly built base in Tianzhen County of Datong City in Shanxi Province and the jointly built base in Zizhou County of Yulin City in Shaanxi Province, and conducted environmental testing for all jointly built bases to provide data support for their field operations.", "empty": false, "facetList": [ { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "1.0", "value": null, "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_flt_sentiment", "label": "Sentiment" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Education", "value": "", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_28e052d4-8649-4d99-a898-e68d1deb9dda", "label": "Models, data, software" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "China", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Education", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Construction & Building industry", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Traceability", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Good agricultural practice", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Committee", "value": "", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_96538783-fa1b-451b-8cfd-b66cc48cec80", "label": "Core concepts" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Companies", "value": "", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_c78d6010-1c4d-4a4c-8145-dd755d2885d7", "label": "Organizations" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Good agricultural practice", "value": "", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_aafe7588-98fa-45a6-9184-3e25b50cfd63", "label": "Solutions" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "tosil", "value": null, "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_lit_author", "label": "Author" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "ESGparagraphs", "value": null, "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_lit_context", "label": "SearchSpace" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Strategies", "value": "", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_50c970e3-c147-492a-b95b-6b654d74673e", "label": "Regulatory framework" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Meteorology", "value": "", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_a8274bb3-d46e-4d28-b368-57337f1bf49d", "label": "Sciences" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Education", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Traceability", "value": "", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "Committee", "value": "", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_ba504d25-77c0-4a06-8f60-332ab4a56c21", "label": "ESG" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Education", "value": "", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_29f68b24-85d2-4963-b0dc-fef9b5678102", "label": "EU Taxonomy and ESRS" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "China", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Education", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Construction & Building industry", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Companies", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Strategies", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Traceability", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Good agricultural practice", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Meteorology", "children": null }, { "count": 1, "label": "", "value": "Committee", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_all_concepts", "label": "All Facets" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "Construction & Building industry", "value": "", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_4baa945f-4664-4451-aef2-1d5d2525780b", "label": "Industries" }, { "facets": [ { "count": 1, "label": "China", "value": "", "children": null } ], "field": "dyn_uri_D72", "label": "Geography" } ], "documentDetails": [], "id": "", "image": null, "link": "", "searchSpaceId": "413a6e31-5946-4db4-9450-2d70b30d928b", "title": "Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc - e_2022_esg_report_ess%281%291682687202596.pdf - page=117/6", "type": "User" } ], "resultType": "application/vnd.semantic-web.graphsearch.recommendation-v2+json", "status": 200, "success": true, "total": 2 }
Name | Type | Required | Description |
message | string | false | A message informing about the duration of the operation in milliseconds. |
result | array | false | An array of objects, each representing a single retrieved document. |
resultType | string | false | The MIME type identifier of the result. |
status | integer(int32) | false | The HTTP status code of the operation. |
success | boolean | false | A message informing on the success of the operation. |
total | integer(int32) | false | The total number of retrieved documents. |