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Deploy New PoolParty Webapps


If patches or minor releases are delivered in between PoolParty major releases to provide bug-fixes, in most cases you will be provided with new webapps to replace your existing ones.

To deploy a new PoolParty webapp, follow the steps described below.


These instructions assume you are deploying a PoolParty default installation in these paths:

  • GNU/Linux: /opt/poolparty

  • Windows: C:/Programs/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 9.0/

Before you upgrade, make sure you have a working backup of your existing installation.

Upgrade Process

STEP 1: Undeploy the PoolParty webapp via the Tomcat Web Application Manager

STEP 2: Stop the PoolParty Server

STEP 3: Copy the New webapp to the webapps Folder

  • GNU/Linux: /opt/poolparty/tomcat/webapps

  • Windows: C:/Programs/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 9.0/webapps

Optional: If in addition to the webapps libraries are provided in the download area, copy them to the lib folder and remove the old versions of the same libraries.

  • GNU/Linux: /opt/poolparty/tomcat/lib

  • Windows: C:/Programs/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 9.0/lib

STEP 4: Start the PoolParty Server