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The File

Find the file in these paths:

  • Linux: <PPAppDir>/config

  • Windows: drive>:\<PPAppDir>\config\

It allows to define basic parameters for the PoolParty setup.

Pattern for Date and Date & Time used in PoolParty:

The settings for date and time you define here are used for display in lists and tables throughout the interface. All other instances of date and date-time formats in PoolParty are by default formatted and stored according to the UTC standard.

datetime.format.pattern=dd.MM.yyyy - HH:mm

PoolParty URL Relevant Setting for the Linked Data Frontend and the Suggest API Method:

(Default: http://localhost/PoolParty)


Enable Enhanced HTTP/HTTPS Resolution for the LD Frontend

A parameter affects the LD frontend and enabling the enhanced HTTP/HTTPS resolution of resources for it.

Add this parameter to the file:


LOD Cache Used for All Linked Data Functionalities in PoolParty:



Base URL for Custom Schemes / Ontologies, Projects and Users:

This is the URI used per default when creating projects or custom schemes / ontologies.

# base url for custom schemes
# base url for Thesauri
# base url for Users
# base url for graph namespaces (as of version 7.2.0)


The key url.base.context is mandatory as of version 7.2.0.

Optional Parameters

The following parameters can be set optionally in the file:

  • poolparty.session.timeout

    This parameter allows to change the default timeout for a PoolParty session. (Default: 30min)

  • feed.url

    Defines the URL of a custom RSS feed to be used in PoolParty.

  • feed.entries

    Defines the number of RSS feed entries to be displayed. Default is 5.

  • feed.timeout

    Defines the timeout of feed fetch requests in ms. Default is 5000.

  • ld.frontend.http.https.conversion

    This parameter allows you to enable or disable the enhanced LD frontend HTTP/HTTPS resource resolving. (Default: true)

  • ldf.timeout.connect.msec

    Sets the connection timeout for generic HTTP requests to resolve labels in PoolParty's Linked Data Frontend in milliseconds. Default connection timeout is 2000 ms.

  • ldf.timeout.request.msec

    Sets the request timeout for generic HTTP requests to resolve labels in PoolParty's Linked Data Frontend in milliseconds. Default request timeout is 20000 ms.